Lovelace: Simple thermostat schedule

Hi everyone,
I’m looking for an easy way to schedule my thermostatic radiator valves.
Fiddling around, I can’t find a wife-proof interface. :frowning:

However, setting my first steps in lovelace, I came to

Although this is about showing a floorplan, the basic idea is that you can add a graphic layer (SVG), add actions to it, and show states.
With this in mind, I think it should be possible to
  • create a SVG-grid as shown above: for every hour and day a small button
  • create an automation for every button
  • button press:
    • turn automation on
    • change color of button

Is this a good idea?
Can this be done? easily? Can somebody provide me with some sample code?

As a newbie, any help is much appreciated.

Kind regards,