Lovelace: Sizing the main image of picture-elements

Same here, the image in the panel mode is bigger than the screen.
@sender, did you fix it for you?
I played with the image size, played with the canvas size. nothing seems to work.

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No fix here… I think it is not possible. At least… not for me with the help I got :blush:.

Edit: in width it kinda works for the image, but then the entities dont zive along… rendering the picture practivlcally hidden by the entities in a small screen… :blush:

I have the exact same issue. VERY frustrating to be honest. I get the limitations of responsive design, but man. The problem results because I cant tell the “panel” that it should use the vertical view as limit instead of the horizontal one. In my experience Dashboards are more often than not supposed to be “onepagers” instead of pinterest boards still this silly behavior persist in many dashboarding applications.

I will try out the card modder suggested by petro since this frustrating behavior forces you to build separate Dashboards for different Screens anyway. May as well go canvas and define everything pixel perfect.

For anyone else having this issue and unwilling to add space in their floorplan master image another possible workaround is to layout your dashboard in panel mode with vertical & horizontal stacks. Depending on the ratio of your floorplan to your desired screensize this can have decent results.

Example: (target screen standard 4k or FHD monitor or tablet size with roughly 2:1 ratio)
Your floorplan is square, then having two columns will divide the screen in very roughly two squares. You can e.g. have your floorplan on the left and other controls & weather widgets on the right. Depending on how crazy you want to get you can then nest horizontal & vertical stacks in a way that gives you sufficient control over the layout while still retaining some benefits of Resp. Design.

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This is how I resolved it:

    title: EZVIZ
    icon: mdi:video-outline
    panel: true
      - type: horizontal-stack

          - type: custom:button-card
            color_type: blank-card
                - width: 200px

          - type: picture-elements
            entity: ...

          - type: custom:button-card
            color_type: blank-card
                - width: 200px

I had one image and I wanted to take full space of my TV (I’m using google cast). I just added white spaces to the image in such a way that the resulting image has an aspect ratio of 9/16, also activated panel mode.

@thomasloven your link is dead.

This is something I am trying to figure out - I have 2 floor plans like this:
Both resolutions are much bigger but elements card its scaling it to the same width and I am trying to figure out how to leave them in their original resolutions. They are not even taking up full horizontal space available.
Any help appreciated.

Here I tried to sort out these issues:
— how does behave a background image on different clients;
— how do behave elements on different clients.
You may ping me at that thread if you have any questions.

Thanks, I am going to have a look

I read all your oosts and although I found it very usefull in learning how to change icons and badges, still can’t figure out how to make this image to occupy whole widh of available screen.

It is explained there how an image occupies an available area.

Sorry I missed it there.

However I have found, that I need to add this code before I add picture-element card

panel: true

after adding this picure occupy full size of the screen

But still its not exactly what I am looking for.

Is there a way to prevent main image from scaling? In other words to keep it in its original dimensions? With this parameter it fills the screen as intended, but still resize according to size of the side bar for example…

If the main image is NOT resized - then how is it supposed to be used on different clients (pc, tablet, phone)?

I understand.
It is {was) for a case where I was making a device specific dashboard (e.g. wall mounted tablet).
In the meantime by experimenting I have found, that resizing is not a problem in precise overlaying of image elements, so I am happy.

This worked for me! Tnx!

got live view in ha now xD

I solved this by putting a blank image (transparent .png image with no content) in the picture elements card. Specified athe actual image in the elements section. The image can then be resized.

type: picture-elements
  - type: state-label
    entity: sensor.teksthelper
    prefix: Dimmer Glazenkast
      top: 150%
      left: 50%
  - type: image
    image: /local/Oranje_driehoek_uitroepteken.png
      top: 75%
      left: 50%
      width: 55%
image: /local/Blank.png

It looks like this

and I can resize the triangle to any size I want by adjusting the width percentage.

I found this solution. Maybe it will suit someone

type: picture-elements
image: /local/floorplan/...
  style: |
    :host {
      display: block;
      width: 100%;
      height: calc(100vh - 115px);
      overflow: hidden;
    ha-card {
      background: none !important;
      box-shadow: none !important;
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
    img {
      width: auto !important;
      height: 100% !important;