Lovelace: Slideshow Card

I’m trying the same thing wanting to use the “folder: sensor.images” option to autoplay a slideshow of family photos, but when I enable the card, the entire dashboard goes blank(?). The sensor.images entity is displaying the correct info as per your post. Any ideas to help out there?

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Some thing here! Entire dashboard goes blank(?) when i use:

  - type: 'custom:slideshow-card'
    folder: sensor.images

You could use as alternative my custom coponent, who uses a camera object to create a slideshow or timelapse from images.

Looks great, my question is.

  • Can I inside the Slideshow Card use “vertical-stack” and “horizontal-stack”?
  • Can the slider be automated so it “slide” every 3 min.?

It seems none of these cards work with the current release of HA (2023.11)
Does anyone know of a working alternative?