Lovelace Table


I want to display various Sensor Data with a Table and want to define each cell.
Somethig like this:

|    Name     |  value 1   |  value 2  |
| Name 1      |     20     |     10    |
| Name 2      |     40     |     35    |

I can’t find a Lovelace Plugin which does this.
I already tried flex-table-card (I don’t want to use a wildcard) and config-template-card but I think it can’t do what I want.

Any tips?

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Not sure if table extension is supported, though.

Thanks but I think it isn’t.

Well. this might work:

The Markdown Card supports markdown tables.


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Works with github flavoured tables

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Thank you both.

You’re welcome!

For future reference, you can only mark one post, with the Solution tag, in the entire thread. I noticed you had tried to mark mine and koying’s post with the Solution tag (because both confirmed tables are supported in the Markdown Card), but only the last post you try to tag is the one that gets marked.

For more information, refer to guideline 21 in the FAQ.

Just to note, the table in the first post isn’t working, because the “divider” in the second line is missing. :slight_smile:

# this will not work (post#1)

# this will work

Markdown is very explicit here, especially the Github flavored one. :slight_smile: And before I forgot, tables in Markdown must have a table header. Without it, they won’t work as well… :smiley: Ask how I know… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just for pedantry, there is no notion of tables in “plain” markdown.
I know at least 3 different extensions for tables, the github one being the most common.

See the pandoc (a mardown converter) table doc for various syntaxes in use.

Can of worms :joy:

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Is there a other way to get the columns more apart than the hack I used?
| -    EUR    - | -    USD    - |


Use alignment in the table header. :slight_smile:

|left aligned|centered|right aligned|

The colon is your friend here. :slight_smile:

EDIT: @koying You’re totally right, I always use the Github flavored markdown.

In the link I posted, the example uses a blank table column to introduce some spacing between the columns. It has five columns and the fourth one is blank.

Thanks I did that:

| Name | -    EUR    - | -    USD    - |
| :- | :-: | :-: |


Thats tot close for my taste:

 | Name | EUR | USD |
 | :- | :-: | :-: |


EDIT: Thanks @123 I will try and insert plank columns.

I works. Amazing.

| Name |     | EUR |     | USD |
| :-- | :-:  | :-: | :-: | :-: |

This also works:

| Name  |     EUR     |     USD     |
| :- | :-: | :-: |