🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

Hey Plouf34👋
Here is my lovelace file

button_card_templates: !include lovelace/button_card_templates/button_card_templates.yaml
title: 'Home'
views: !include_dir_merge_list lovelace/views/ 

This is how my lovelace folder is organized


Could you please share the code of your Lovelace?
[email protected] Thank you

Guys, the code is shared in the first post.


I love how it looks on you! I need help where I have to integrate the “template” I was looking in the documentation of “template” but I can’t find how it works or where I could place the file. I hope you can help me. Thanks!

playing some more with this, I just got to say I love the use of those nice icons in the buttons. Forgot I had 1 of those myself,

    - type: custom:button-card
      name: 🎂 ♡♡ 🍰  🎈 Celebrations 🎈 🍰  ♡♡ 🎂

but now I see you explicitly use them (in the pilule templates), will re-visite that frontend enhancement.
so cool. nice and easy colored icons, without the hassle of needing to create these in svg ourselves.
this really should get some more wide-spread attention :wink:

edited your chip template and button a bit:


    view: >
      [[[ return window.location.pathname.split('/')[2]; ]]]
    action: more-info
  show_icon: false
  show_name: false
  show_state: false
  show_label: true
  size: 80%
      - width: 24px
      - border-radius: 30px
      - box-shadow: var(--box-shadow)
      - height: 36px
      - width: auto
      - padding-left: 6px
      - padding-right: 6px
      - grid-template-areas: '"l"'
      - justify-self: center
      - padding: 0px 6px
      - font-weight: bold
      - font-size: 14px


type: custom:button-card
template: chip
entity: weather.buienradar
  action: navigate
  navigation_path: >
    [[[ return variables.view != 'weer_klimaat'
        ? '/lovelace/weer_klimaat' : 'null'; ]]]

label: |
    var inter = states['sensor.temp_current'].state;
    var exter = states['sensor.temperatuur_living'].state;
    var condition = states['sensor.dark_sky_icon'].state;
    var mapper = {'clear-day':'☀️','clear-night':'🌙','rain':'🌧️',
    var icon = mapper[condition] ? mapper[condition] :'☀️';
    return icon + ' ' + inter + '° / ' +  exter + '°' ;

allowing for adjusted navigation with an entity for the more-info, so we have useful actions for both :wink:


Hey jonathanathe :wave:
You can write the content of the template file in your ui-lovelace.yaml file or include the file like this

button_card_templates: !include button_card_templates.yaml
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Great work - love the simplicity.

Could you post an example of the YAML needed for a temperature line chart - my attempts using just the “graph” template render incorrectly.

Hey Tom :wave:
Here is an example

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  template: graph
    entity: "sensor.fibaro_multisensor_salon_temperature"
    color: "var(--google-blue-500)"
    name: "Température"

Fantastic - works great!

@tben can you maybe share your full config via (for example) github. I’d like to know how your configuration.yaml is looking, and your ui-lovelace with the other pages that you created (beside home)


Hi Mart :wave:
Here are the 4 pages
I also edited my first post

4 pages
:house: 01_home.yaml
:partly_sunny: 02_temperature.yaml
:zap: 03_consommation.yaml
:grinning: 04_localisation.yaml


Merci! Beautiful design

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this is a beautiful template, i finally got myself to manage my dashboard just because of this template.

Awesome! :smiley:

But I have a problem with the bordures template, is this correct?

        - width: 0px


entity: sensor.dummy_sensor
  - bordures
type: custom:button-card
  action: toggle

For me it shows nothing more as soon as I use this template. everything else works great so far.

Hi D0doooh :wave:
A problem with the bordures template? The bordures template just allows me to leave space between the edge of the screen and the cards


If you don’t see it it’s normal!
If there is no space, there is a problem

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Great. Simple and beautiful.

After a few experiments and not so beautiful designs by myself this design is perfect for my needs.

Thanks for sharing. And answering questions.


playing some more, I added the chips in a swiper, a bit of a mixed set of feelings (sometimes the swiper behaves counter intuitive… and the hold_action isnt executed )on Desktop, I discovered today it IS executed on iPhone…) but it is kind of nice to be able to swipe a few main functions in the Home:

  - type: custom:swipe-card
#      simulateTouch: true
      spaceBetween: 8
#      effect: coverflow
      freeMode: true
#      grabCursor: true
#      centeredSlides: false
#      slidesPerView: 4
      - !include /config/lovelace/includes/include_chip_temperature.yaml
      - !include /config/lovelace/includes/include_chip_presence.yaml
      - !include /config/lovelace/includes/include_chip_energy.yaml
      - !include /config/lovelace/includes/include_chip_alarm_clock.yaml

with my shortcut menu bar, to compare size

swipe left

a simple conditional icon for alarm

btw where do you pick your colorful icons? I took several from the WhatsApp app, but am looking for more tbh, like solar grid in the energy consumption settings to name but one.

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Really cool! Where do you find those nice colored icons?

as said above, the icons in the chips are picked from WhatsApp app and copied form the config by @tben himself.

the colored icons in my shortcut menu bar are regular mdi icons, colored in the button-templates of the custom button-cards. you can check them out here Shortcut menu bar · GitHub

Aren’t they just emoji? I use emoji instead of text myself in some cards. Looks like emoji, or are you talking about other icons I’m missing?

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Thanks a lot, didn’t know about this site. This was exactly what I was looking for!

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