🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

thanks! that was it. i forgot that i cleared the cache on the browser to troubleshoot some issue, that must have cleared the theme in the settings.

For the find my phone button I would recommend a confirmation. And a generic service call filled with some more variables.

    text: '[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_person_findmy_confirmation ]]]'
  action: call-service
  service: '[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_person_findmy_notify_device ]]]'
    title: '[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_person_findmy_notification_title ]]]'
    message: '[[[ return variables.ulm_custom_card_person_findmy_notification_message ]]]'
      ttl: 0
      importance: high
      priority: high
      tag: Find
      channel: alarm_stream
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Really getting into this now, great piece of work, my dashboards are finally looking decent!!
Only a small thing - I guess it’s possible? - if I’ve got Light/Dark set to “Auto” in my profile, how can I force Minimalist to use the Light mode? (Normally have Dark but want to use Light on my wall panel display!)

Sidebar-Username-Theme, there you can choose “Automatic-Light-Dark”.

What is anyone using for button entities?

I’m finding all cards just open the popup, not “press” the button.


Sorry, maybe some people are reading this and thinking what the hell am I talking about LOL

      - type: "custom:button-card"
        template: card_input_boolean
        entity: button.coffee_machine_button
        name: Coffee Machine


OK worked out the button issue. Most cards that cant “toggle” default back to “more-info”

Anyone trying to use a button enttity can use the script card EG:

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: "custom:button-card"
        template: card_script
          ulm_card_script_title: Coffee Machine
          ulm_card_script_icon: "mdi:coffee"
          action: call-service
          service: button.press
            entity_id: button.coffee_machine_button
1 Like

Finally found some more time to work on my dashboard, here are some more work in progress photos. Hoping to have pretty much complete in the next few weeks, will share code once I am done.

Dark mode is a bit of a mess, focusing on light mode only for now!



I really like the colour at the top, well done :slight_smile:

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Looks really good, Any chance the code behind it is on github somewhere?

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I’m trying to create a second dashboard. Usually I add the yaml file in configuration.yalm.
I created a identic copy of ui-lovelace.yalm file.
Something wrong (button-car missing error).
I suppose can be different with this theme.
What’s the right way? Thanks for help

Hey guys,

Ive added doors to " custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count"

Just add another template for doors in the config.yaml

      - name: "doors open"
        unique_id: doors_open
        icon: phu:sliding-window-door-open
        state: >
          {% set doors = [
              ] %}
          {{ doors | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | count }}

And I just added an else if to the template

Hope it helps someone :slight_smile:

### Custom Card Lights (or covers) Counter ###
  show_name: true
    - "ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_language_variables"
    - "icon_only"
    - "ulm_language_variables"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_icon_on: "[[[ return entity.attributes.icon ]]]"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_icon_off: "mdi:lightbulb-outline"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_color: "yellow"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_force_background_color: false
    action: "none"
  name: >-
      var entity_count_O = '';
      var entity_count_1 = '';
      var entity_count_many = '';
      if(variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_type == "cover") {
        entity_count_O = variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_cover_0;
        entity_count_1 = variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_cover_1;
        entity_count_many = variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_cover_many;
      else if(variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_type == "doors") {
        entity_count_O = variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_door_0;
        entity_count_1 = variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_door_1;
        entity_count_many = variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_door_many;
      else {
        entity_count_O = variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_light_0;
        entity_count_1 = variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_light_1;
        entity_count_many = variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_light_many;
      if (entity.state != "unavailable") {
        if (entity.state == 0) {
          return entity_count_O;
        } else if (entity.state == 1) {
          return entity_count_1;
        } else {
          return entity.state + " " + entity_count_many;
      } else {
        return variables.ulm_unavailable;
  icon: >
        if (entity.state == 0) {
          return variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_icon_off;
        else {
          return variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_icon_on;
      - color: >
              if (entity.state == 0) {
                return 'rgba(var(--color-theme),0.2)';
              else {
                return 'rgba(var(--color-' + variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_color + '),1)';
      - align-self: "center"
      - justify-self: "start"
      - font-weight: "bold"
      - font-size: "14px"
      - margin-left: "12px"
      - filter: "opacity(100%)"
      - background-color: >
              if (entity.state == 0) {
                return 'rgba(var(--color-theme),0.05)';
              else {
                return 'rgba(var(--color-' + variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_color + '),0.2)';
      - grid-template-areas: "'i n'"
      - grid-template-columns: "min-content min-content"
      - grid-template-rows: "min-content"
    - value: 1
      operator: ">="
          - background-color: >-
                  if (variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_force_background_color == true || hass.themes.darkMode){
                    return 'rgba(var(--color-' + variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_color + '-text),0.1)';
                  else {
                    return 'rgba(var(--color-background-' + variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_color + '),var(--opacity-bg))';
          - color: "[[[ return 'rgba(var(--color-' + variables.ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_color + '-text),1)' ]]]"


    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_light_0: "No lights on"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_light_1: "1 light on"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_light_many: "lights on"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_cover_0: "No curtains open"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_cover_1: "1 curtains open"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_cover_many: "curtains open"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_door_0: "No doors or windows open"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_door_1: "1 door or windows open"
    ulm_custom_card_yagrasdemonde_lights_count_door_many: "doors or windows open"

hello do you have the script of the find your phone ?

There is a whole page on the wiki for it. Could be some relative path issue.

Have you finished your humidifer custom card?

Unfortunately no. I asked for the same a couple entries earlier. The ones I found on the forum is not working for my Xiaomi phone. I get the notifications but no alarm sound.

can you share this can i have a look?

Tablet format best practice?

Phone version looks great!.. tablets a dogs breakfast

Is there a style guide or best practice tips for doing a tablet version?

I guess I need to just duplicate everything, or is there a best practice for that?

ie I guess a duplicate of everything in the views folder, but name it home_tab, living_room_tab ect ect?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

THANKS! I try that

Mission completed.
The error was in the path, off course…
Thanks again!

@Jarne_Roussard: I used this as a starting point: A “find my phone button” - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

@liminal: try layout card with grid mode, you can define the layout based on orientation, screen size etc. and define each block where should they be placed in each view. Very handy, the same config works on my phone, tablet and desktop with a different layout.

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That sounds amazing! Ive found a guide, but I dont really have any context to how this fits in with what I have already got;

If you can provide some examples with the home screen (assuming its similar to most of the others) so I can see how it fits in, then I should be able to work it out :slight_smile:

Thanks mate :slight_smile: