🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

Thanks for your help, it worked perfectly!

I did the same for the cover. Created a boolean input and an automation triggered by the cover state change that is changing the boolean to on/off when the cover is open/closed. Defined the room card icon entity to show the state of the boolean instead of the cover and used service_call cover.toggle for the tap action

Can you please share the code of your navigation cards? Considering switching to it from ESH’s room card. Thank you.


I am having trouble with my background image on my iOS mobile app since an update of Home Assistant / Minimalist UI. The background image does not stretch over the full length of the different views. This is only the case for the theme ‘minimalist-mobile’, which is the one I prefer since it hides the top / bottom tapbar.

I use the code below in my ui-lovelace.yaml. Does anyone know what I should change in order for it to work again?

title: "Minimalist"
theme: "minimalist-desktop"
#background: "var(--background-image)"
background: center / cover fixed url('/local/homekit-background.png')

I posted about this issues about 10 days ago. Looks like its a bug.

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Good to know, thanks! I guess I will be waiting for a fix then…

Hello there,
how do you get the temperature and humidity together under the room name?
Thanx in advance,


try this:

label: '[[[ return states["sensor.temperature_11"].state + " °C / " + states["sensor.humidity_12"].state + " %" ]]]'
          - type: 'custom:button-card'
              - card_room
              - red_on
            name: Esszimmer
            icon: mdi:table-furniture
            entity: light.esszimmer_2
            label: '[[[ return states["sensor.temperature_11"].state + " °C / " + states["sensor.humidity_12"].state + " %" ]]]'

I’m experiencing 2 issues that are recent that I wonder if anyone might have a solution for.

  1. On desktop and mobile (iOS and android) I have to open and close the app multiple times in order for elements to display correctly. On first load it almost always shows an error saying Custom element doesn't exist: button-card. On desktop a force refresh usually does the trick.
  2. As of 1.3.5 in Home Assistant 2023.5.3 after I get the dashboard to load successfully I can’t scroll a view down if it exceeds the screen height. I am able to change tabs and horizontally scroll the tab bar, just not vertically scroll the view. This happens on both iOS and Android. On Android I tried re-installing and clearing all data/cache but it doesn’t seem to fix the issue. If I change the theme to minimalist-mobile I can scroll vertically but can’t access any of the other dashboards which live on their own tabs. I also can’t get back to the side menu to change the theme again without clearing all data.
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To answer my own question, I was able to resolve this after reading the release notes more carefully and running the frontend.reload_themes service. Release v1.3.5 🏳️‍🌈 · UI-Lovelace-Minimalist/UI · GitHub

Thanks but… nope.
Only displays temperature, even without °C.

I also tried this but it doesn’t work…

And this also…

label: >
    return "🌡️ " + states['sensor.temperature'].state + " °C" + " 💧 " + states['sensor.humidity'].state + " %"

This one WORKED:

label: '[[[ return + states["sensor.XXX_temperature"].state +"°C  | "+states["sensor.XXX_humidity"].state + "%"]]]'

Thanx to the forum!

Hi, when using the minimalist-mobile theme with the Android app, how can one access the settings, or at least switch to another theme where the menus are visible?

I’ve been using a mixture of Minimalist and Mushroom cards on my dashboard. You could use Mushroom chip cards and create button to toggle the menu. The example below will pop out the menu from the left side of the screen. Requires Mushroom to be installed.

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: menu

Another option is the use the Minimalist navigation chip. The example below will navigate to settings.

- type: "custom:button-card"
  template: chip_navigate
    ulm_chip_navigate_path: /config/dashboard
    ulm_chip_navigate_icon: mdi:cog-outline


So I have now tried to set the UI lovelace minimalist up several time and followed the instructions. Everything works fine as it seems, but I don’t get the scene to look right!!! What did I miss? What’s my mistake … I cannot figure it out :frowning:

In the mean time I already found a similar solution directly in Minimalist using the Mdi:icon only chip (by inspecting the source of ESH welcome card). But thanks for your advice anyway!

When I installed ui-minimalistic, I decided to create
room_card(Room Card - UI Lovelace Minimalist). When I did everything I got an error:
Here is my code:

  - type: 'custom:button-card'
      - card_room
      - red_no_state
    name: Seva
    entity: light.mega2_24
    icon: mdi:water
      action: toggle
      label_use_temperature: false
      label_use_brightness: true
        entity_id: light.mega2_24
          - yellow_on
          action: toggle

Help please.

Something is broken since the latest release regarding the “ulm_translation_state”. I use the custom_card_imswel_person card and the thermostat card and for the person card the status/label is completely gone and for the thermostat card it doesn’t start with a capital letter. I can’t surely be the only one running into this right?

Update Issue.
Hello, i didn’t update homeassistant core since several batches.
I decided to do it. But now i have an issue with Lovelace UI and Custom Card.
I seemed to be Ok but after few minutes Nothing appears except a Warning message.

Can you help me ?

I’m using Firefox on MacOS. I already empty my cache, refresh my browser, etc …
When trying to connect with Safari : no possible connection on local Homeasssistant :slight_smile:

But same visual issue when connecting with external address (https://xxxxx.duckdns.org)

Guys, room cards does not show subicons, anyone had that problem?

I reply to myself.
I missed one importante information on release note : hard refresh the browser.
I did it and it works.