šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Hello everybody,
can somebody help me, IĀ“m trying to use ROOM card as bus card from my home, but I cannot change icons on right side to show state only. Only binary_sensor.klima_1 is binary. Please see my code and image:

  - type: 'custom:button-card'
      - card_room
      - blue_no_state
    name: Autobus do Letňan
    entity: sensor.nodered_6b5fba3e5b475bb6
    icon: mdi:bus
    size: 60%
      action: none
      label_use_temperature: false
      label_use_brightness: false

        entity_id: sensor.planovany_odjezd_1
        show_icon: false
        show_state: true
        show_label: true
          action: none
        entity_id: sensor.nodered_8f0fc9bf82d519e0
          - blue_on
          action: none
        entity_id: binary_sensor.klima_1
          - green_on
          - red_off
          action: toggle
        entity_id: input_boolean.bath_mode
          - pink_on
          action: toggle

Thank you.

you are having the same issue as me above, the color template pink_on ony looks for a state of on not a binary state 0 or 1, or a number state like number of lights on etc 8. We need to tweak the color template to allow more states.


it seems, at the moment when using styles with a sensor that has a state of a number (ie number of lights on 4), we have to code a style for every possible permutation.


    - styles:
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink-text),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink-text),1)"
          - background-color: "rgba(var(--color-pink), 0.2)"
      id: "0"
      value: "0"

    - styles:
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink-text),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink-text),1)"
          - background-color: "rgba(var(--color-pink), 0.2)"
      id: "1"
      value: "1"

    - styles:
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink-text),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink-text),1)"
          - background-color: "rgba(var(--color-pink), 0.2)"
      id: "2"
      value: "2"

    - styles:
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink-text),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-pink-text),1)"
          - background-color: "rgba(var(--color-pink), 0.2)"
      id: "3"
      value: "3"

Would it be possible to allow the value field to use functions like value: ">0" or value: ">0 && <6".

It is very bloating to use the method that is now ie if I want to have a button color of yellow if ā€˜anyā€™ lights are on i have to add a style value and color mapping for every number of lights in my house.

And to make matters worse, you canā€™t use a template name that is already in use by minimalist core ie pink_on, so try creating a new color template with pink_binary_on.

for those interested I come up with something that cuts down on the amount code required for detecting a on, 1, 2, open , etc etc, state

    - styles:
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-blue),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-blue-text),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-blue-text),1)"
          - background-color: "rgba(var(--color-blue), 0)"
      id:  >
            return (entity?.state == '0' || entity?.state == 'off' || entity?.state == 'closed') ? "" : entity?.state;
      value: >
            return (entity?.state == '0' || entity?.state == 'off' || entity?.state == 'closed') ? "" : entity?.state;          ]]]

and just revert for off, 0, closed, etc

    - styles:
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-blue),0.4)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-blue-text),1)"
          - color: "rgba(var(--color-blue-text),1)"
          - background-color: "rgba(var(--color-blue), 0)"
      id: >
            return (entity?.state == '0' || entity?.state == 'off' || entity?.state == 'closed') ? entity?.state : "";
      value: >
            return (entity?.state == '0' || entity?.state == 'off' || entity?.state == 'closed') ? entity?.state : "";

@kaluzny.radek maybe this will help you.

Hi @andyblac

Nice to see you are exploring templates to change colors on different states.
Did you know there is already a variable that can tell if a state is active/non-numerical?
You can even adjust the rules when it should be considered as active or nonactive to add the variable in the card config.
You can call the variable ulm_active_state or adjust the rules in the variable part.

@basbrus I was trying to include all sensor states mainly my custom template that counts number of ā€œonā€ entities, orginally i would have to have a colour for every counter 1 though to 40. How would i detect this using ulm_active_state ?.

Sorry Iā€™m still new to all this and still learning.

to be clear I still need the state to return the actual number of entities on and not on or off, but the hope was to only use 1 colour template to catch the state and return the correct colour.

Hello there,
Iā€™m trying to use the scene_card, but I have troubles with icon colors,
As show on the wiki, the icon color should be visible because near the ā€œcircleā€ color,
But for me itā€™s only white, and then not very visible, as show on the screenshot.
The first is me setting up to yellow (which is the one i want), the others are random.

And here is how we can see it on the wiki

Can someone help me ? :smiley:



You are comparing Dark mode to Light mode which have just some different color schemes by design.

Set your system to light mode and you will the colors like on the wiki. Maybe an update to the repo on Github can help with making the icon less greyish.

Indeed ! I didnā€™t try the light mode and the color is good.
For my home I use custom card esh_welcome_card and the colors are like the light mode

Thatā€™s why i thought it would be the same for the scene card,

Thanks for your answer ! And yes, it would be good to have an upgrade on those colors :smiley:

Edit : do you know what ā€œyellow colorā€ he is using on the behance ?

Hi! I have a question about the navigation. Is it possible to navigate to a custom page or an arbitrary path that is not a view? I need to create a custom page not in the view section but reachable only by a navigate card.

Example: a yaml page named ā€œLivingā€ (not a view) with my content in it and a navigate card in a view that point to this page. Thanks in advice.

How to get the design from the pictures? Is this something exsisting? Looks really niceā€¦

Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-28 um 12.11.44

I have installed the DWD Pollen Card from @paddy0174. But what am i missing? I followed the instructions from the wiki.

Have UI working for some time now and love it. I just noticed recently that my browser_mod pop-up cards titles are off (like my wifi code ;-)). I donā€™t recall doing any modifications on this. Anybody else having this problem? And how to resolve?


A good start is the adaptive dashboard. That takes the layout from the pictures. Most cards are already present, so by adding them to the adaptive dashboard you will hopefully reach something similar.

Thatā€™s not a minimalist popup but a custom one? I do know that are have been a lot of (undocumented) frontend changes that broke multiple custom components in the latest releases, including this project. Based on that I think that is the cause and browser_mod has not released a fix for it.

As standard minimalist popups do not use the title feature I am not sure if itā€™s either a variable that is changed in the fronted or something else.

Guess you have more luck by reporting in to the browser mod forum and github page :wink:

Thanks Bas! And I guess nobody else in the household is bothered or has even seen it :wink:

Hi everyone,

I tried to make an adaptive dashboard, but canā€™t make it work, and I donā€™t understand why.

Iā€™m pretty sure iā€™m doing something wrong, but canā€™t figure out what.

As you can see on the gif, I donā€™t have any popup on the right.

You can see on the differents screenshots my configuration file, my popup and main yaml for adaptive.

What am i missing ? Thanks !

CleanShot 2023-06-30 at 09.59.45
CleanShot 2023-06-30 at 10.00.48

CleanShot 2023-06-30 at 10.01.38


Is there a way to navigate to a tab on the sidebar instead of the views?
I am using Custom Card ā€œWelcome Navigationā€ and I would like a shortcut to navigate to Music Assistant

Not sure but you can get the JURL for music assistant and create button in mnimalist that would go to that URL?

Hello there.
I am not able to filling the entire screen of my FHD tablet in 1920px (landscape) with adaptive view.
I managed to have two different sizes, one for portrait and one for landscape, but this latter only fills the left half of the screen.
I used the command


 # Mobile
 "(max-width: 800px)":
   grid-template-columns: "50% 50%"
   grid-template-areas: |
     "card1 card2"
     "card3 card4"
     "card5 card6"
     "card7 card8"

 # Tablet
 "(max-width: 1920px)":
   grid-template-columns: "1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr"
   grid-template-areas: |
     "text text weather weather message"
     "card1 card2 card3 card4 card5"
     "card6 card7 card8 card9 card9"
     "forecast forecast forecast forecast forecast"

but it does not work.
Any suggestions?
Thank you,

Any idea why auto entities is not auto filling the entities or there is a error when trying to show the entities.
