🌻 Lovelace UI • Minimalist

Good afternoon all!

I have a quick question and I cannot seem to understand it.

I want to install Graph Card, but I don’t know exactly how to do it. What do I have to do with the template code and how to install that? I cannot find any documentation about is.


Hope someone can help

Minimalist automatically install a mini graph card template. (Look in the picture for directory)

Just copy or type this code which was also provided in your linked guide and edit variables.

  - type: 'custom:button-card'
    template: card_graph
      ulm_card_graph_color: "var(--google-blue)"
      ulm_card_graph_name: Temperature Livingroom
      ulm_card_graph_entity: sensor.livingroom_temperature
      ulm_card_graph_color2: "var(--google-green)"
      ulm_card_graph_entity2: sensor.bedgroom_temperature
      ulm_card_graph_type: fill
      ulm_card_graph_hours: 24
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for me it helped to clear the browser cache and restart home assitant

tried that several time. It won’t work - pc or phone, it behaves still the same :frowning:

Hello. I understood how to use regular custom cards, but I don’t understand how to use the users who post their work here. I tried to install in custom_components in the folder where the add-on is located, or in the root config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_card. How to edit yaml, I know what names to assign to configs is not clear. Does anyone have a mini faq?

I need help. I started the configuration, when I modify the configuration.yaml file with frontend to apply the theme, with the restart the Home Assistant Cloud menu disappears and I cannot access from smartphone. Am I wrong something?

You can still access the navigation bar by swiping from the left side. If you want to get the sidebar icon back you can do it by editing minimalist-mobile-tapbar.yaml script.

I’ll explain. When I modify configuration.yaml to be able to use the themes (changing from default_config to frontend) it happens that some items disappear from the sidebar (like the history). And if I select the settings from the sidebar, Home Assistant Cloud no longer appears. And so I no longer log in remotely.

SOLVED! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Can you share the complete custom_top_bar?
I struggling to get the title part in custom_fields to work correctly.
Thanks :slight_smile:


the card is still not finished. (busy with other things)

I need help on;

  1. I would like that left and right arrows are hidden if the variables are not filled in.

here is the code as of now:
custom card code:

### custom_top_bar ###

    - custom_top_bar_label: "your topbar name" 
    - custom_top_bar_icon: "your topbar icon" 
    - custom_top_bar_color: "your topbar color"     
    - custom_top_bar_navigate_path_back: "your topbar navigation path back" 
    - custom_top_bar_navigate_path_title: "your topbar navigation path title"
    - custom_top_bar_navigate_path_next: "your topbar navigation path next"   
      - display: "flex"   
      - justify-content: "space-between"
      - background-color: "#ffffff7d"
      - box-shadow: "none"
      - padding: "6px"
      - color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)"
      - backdrop-filter: "blur(33px)"
      - background-blend-mode: "overlay"
      - color: "[[[ return variables.ulm_chip_navigate_icon_color; ]]]"
      - color: "[[[ return variables.ulm_chip_navigate_label_color; ]]]"


##back button
        type: 'custom:button-card'
        template: chip_navigate
        show_icon: true
        icon: "mdi:arrow-left"      
          custom_top_bar_navigate_path_back: "your top bar back navigation path"           
            - justify-self: "start"
            - grid-area: "back"
#         card:             
#           - display: >
#               [[[
#                 if (variables.custom_top_bar_navigate_path_back != 'none' ) {
#                 return "none";
#                 }else {
#                 return 'block';
#               ]]]
          action: "navigate"
          navigation_path: "[[[ return variables.custom_top_bar_navigate_path_back; ]]]"


        type: 'custom:button-card'
        template: chip_navigate
        show_icon: true
        show_label: true
        show_name: true
        label: "[[[ return variables.custom_top_bar_label ]]]"
          custom_top_bar_navigate_path_title: "your topbar navigation path title"        
        grid-area: "back"
            - grid-template-areas: "'i l'"          
            - justify-self: "center"  
            - background-color: "[[[ return variables.custom_top_bar_color; ]]]"
          action: "navigate"
          navigation_path: "[[[ return variables.custom_top_bar_navigate_path_title; ]]]"
        show_icon: true
        icon: "[[[ return variables.custom_top_bar_icon ]]]"            

##next button                       
        type: 'custom:button-card'
        template: chip_navigate
        show_icon: true
        show_label: true
        show_name: true
          custom_top_bar_navigate_path_next: "your topbar navigation path next"     
          action: "navigate"
          navigation_path: "[[[ return variables.custom_top_bar_navigate_path_next; ]]]"
        show_icon: true
        icon: "mdi:arrow-right"

UI code:

###### top bar 
  - type: "custom:button-card"
    template: custom_top_bar
      custom_top_bar_label: LIGHTS
      custom_top_bar_icon: mdi:lightbulb-multiple
      custom_top_bar_color: 'rgba(var(--color-yellow), 0.2)'           
      custom_top_bar_navigate_path_back: '/lovelace-myhome/rooms'
      custom_top_bar_navigate_path_title: '/lovelace-myhome/lights'      
      custom_top_bar_navigate_path_next: '/lovelace-myhome/home'


So i installed this wonderfull UI and every card (standard) is working fine.
The problem i have is that i can’t manage to get custom_cards to work.

I get this error:
mapping values are not allowed here in “/config/ui_lovelace_minimalist/dashboard/…/…/custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/ui_minimalist/ulm_templates/custom_cards/person_card/custom_card_imswel_person.yaml”, line 26, column 67

I have the folders created with the correct structure.

Screenshot 2022-03-10 at 19.47.04

Line 26 in the custom card yaml (doesn’t matter which custom card i use) is usualy this:

Any help is much appriciated :slight_smile:

how can I create a second dashboard? i used the first made by the integration but i cant find the way to make a second dashboard.

You’ve downloaded the YAML file as a webpage, rather than the raw file.

@basbrus has a helpful spot for this on their github. It should just be a simple as creating a second dashboard and adding the link to the templates.

Thank you. Figured it out. Sorry for the noob question :slight_smile:

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I’m having the same issue as you with none of my pop ups working. Classic pop ups work but if I add in the code for the custom pop-ups, the hold action does nothing.

Hopefully someone smarter than me will come up with a solution.

I got it working now. When I installed browser_mod, I didn’t include it in my configuration.yaml file.

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Hey, i was wondering how you made an image show up in a pop up for the wifi QR code? Would like to make the same.