Lovelace UI Showing Excluded Entities

I upgraded to 88.1, now when I click on the unused entities, it shows every thing that I excluded with “excluded_entities:” in the UI-Lovelace.yaml file. When using 87.1 and earlier versions, everything I did not want to see was excluded. Any Ideas?

That was probably removed because unused entities is supposed to be just that and nothing more. It’s not meant to be used in the front end for anything other than looking up which entities haven’t been used yet, so applying filters to it is a non-sequitur.

I’m not applying any filters. I am using excluded_entities: in the UI-Lovelace.yaml file, listing each entity I don’t want shown in the Unused entities drop down list on the upper right, as the documentation shows. This worked fine in 87.1, but now does not seem to have any effect.

Because exclude entities should not apply to this page. It is not something you can customise. If it did on an earlier version it was a mistake that has been rectified.

I agree, as you mentioned earlier, unused entities should not used on the front end of anything, but anyone who logs into my site can just go to the 3 dots in the upper right and see everything I am not showing in Lovelace and run automations I don’t want them to have access to. So removing it and not properly reporting it as a change is wrong. Doing away with the ability to exclude people from viewing unused entities is not really improving the user’s experience, it just makes things less secure. If I remember correctly, didn’t that post from balloon refer to the monster-card?

Nah it was someone asking if the folded entity row card could be used on the unused entities page.

User permissions are on the roadmap. You will be able to restrict access to all sorts of things eventually.

Until then, you could use this to restrict access: Compact Custom Header

That should work. It looks like you are putting entities on a card and then hiding that card, which in turn makes them used entities, thus removing them from the unused entities drop down.

I’m not familiar with the folded entities card. Is it a method to hide entities on a card?

Yeah there’s a drop-down arrow at the right of the card you can use to fold/unfold more entities:

Useful for un-cluttering, not really useful for securely hiding anything.

Thanks. I appreciate your help.

This change irritated me a bit too. I was deliberately excluding entities which I never wanted to see (such as battery statuses for mains-powered Nest devices) and using the unused entities view to catch newly-created entities which I’d forgotten to add into a view.

This morning I created an invisible card to which I could assign the entities which I’d previously been excluding, thereby removing them from the unused entities view:

import {
  LitElement, html
} from '^0.5.2/lit-element.js?module';

class InvisibleCard extends LitElement  {
  static get properties() {
    return {
      hass: Object,
      config: Object,

  render({ hass, config }) {
    return html``;

  setConfig(config) {
    this.config = config;

  getCardSize() {
    return 0;

customElements.define('invisible-card', InvisibleCard);

That looks good. Thanks for sharing. I had just added a view and gave it the title " " so one would have to know it’s there to click on it.