Lovelace: Upcoming Media Card

Crossed out eye means “Unwatched”

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Thank you for this, now i can remove my Plex docker that was used just for new media.

Could you explain how i retrieve my user id though?

“The id of the user you want to impersonate. Note: this is an id, not a username. Spy on Emby API calls to retrieve yours.”

I want to use this so bad. I’m new to HA and have been trying to get this to work. I even installed HACs because I thought it would make it easier for me but I was wrong. “you still need to add it to your ‘configuration.yaml’ file”. Add what? It doesn’t help me if I don’t know what to add to the file lol.

The instructions on the Github pages are not clear for beginners. I’m not dumb to code but it just is not clear on where to put what.

I’d gladly buy you a coffee to help me get this sorted and working. It looks amazing!

Thank you in advance.

The instructions(plex) seem quite straight forward, add those lines to your configuration.yaml

Forgot to mention I am using this with Sonarr

Where are you getting stuck in the instructions?

The card that works with the component you are trying to use was made before UI config was a thing in HA. So for the card, in the instructions instead of editing ui-lovelace.yaml, you would use the menu at the top right of your Lovelace page and hit “configure ui” and then “raw config editor”. Other than that the instructions remain the same (this is assuming you’re not in YAML mode, if you’re unsure what that is then you are not using YAML mode).

As mentioned in the cards readme @thomasloven’s lovelace guide is a great resource for getting started with adding custom addons to lovelace.

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@mayker That’s exactly where I was confused. I’m new to HA and couldn’t find the ui-lovelace.yaml so I tried making my own lol. I’ll give this a shot later when I am at home. I appreciate your patience and explanation.

Had it working showing posters a few minutes ago using this.

type: 'custom:upcoming-media-card'
entity: sensor.sonarr_upcoming_media

It was working for a while then the card went red and said this.

Custom element doesn’t exist: upcoming-media-card.
type: ‘custom:upcoming-media-card’
entity: sensor.sonarr_upcoming_media

Refresh your web page

Got it working. I wasn’t calling the js properly…

I had the exact problem with my Sonarr fanart not showing up, while it was showing up on Radarr with no issues. Disabling the Adblock Chrome Extension on that particular page FIXED the issue for me :grinning:

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That got it!
uBlock was blocking it!
Thanks @sharpe7852 !
I wonder where the content is coming from. Oh well… Who cares…

I’d pull my hair out if my UI took that long to load. Holy cow! LOL!

its coming from They recently updated their API and for some reason it is now tripping ad blockers, not sure why.

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There are also chrome errors about cross site cookies as well… will be an issue at some point I guess.
A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at was set without the `SameSite` attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with `SameSite=None` and `Secure`. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at and

I would hope that thetvdb will remedy that issue when it becomes a problem, else their API will be useless to just about anyone who currently uses it. Plus, it’s probably only an issue with cookies and not the images themselves.

Lol…I am currently on a German military base in Afghanistan that is why it is soo slow. I will be back in Australia soon enough :grinning:

Sorry if this a stupid question, but cannot find the answer.
Where i get the Radarr API key?

First result

Thanks, i followed your indications, installed radarr and got the API key, but after a restart i get this inside HA:


I configured the sensor in this way:

- platform: radarr_upcoming_media
  api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Am i missing something?
EDIT: i added the IP of my MAC (where i installed Radarr app) in the configuration of the sensor and now i get the sensor online, but configuring the card in this way:

      - type: custom:upcoming-media-card
        entity: sensor.radarr_upcoming_media
        date: ddmm
        clock: 24
        image_style: poster

I get no card… Maybe i misunderstood something but as newbie cannot know what… any help?