Lovelace: Upcoming Media Card

Any reason why fanart doesn’t Load? everything else seems to be working fine

Need more information:

  • What component are you using with the card?
  • What does the sensor data look like (one item would be fine to post)?
  • If you visit the URL of the fanart from the sensor data does it work?
  1. plex_recently_added
  2. how do i check?
  3. how do i check?

Look at the first item in the Components section here: troubleshooting guide

Tried moving it into its own card, same result, tried ingonitto mode, no go


i do have this in my dev info log

Sat Jul 20 2019 12:49:45 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Updating state for sensor.plex_recently_added (<class ‘custom_components.plex_recently_added.sensor.PlexRecentlyAddedSensor’>) took 322.393 seconds. Please report platform to the developers at

What does your config for the Plex component look like?

its the second image, if you click on it it will show, the plex sensor seems to be working fine. i am using hacs to install everything, just the images aren’t popping up

The second image shows the output of the sensor, not your config for the plex component

Im sorry, i may see the issue, lol

  - platform: plex_recently_added
    token: XQJbiLWDvsdFgSvLGF8m
    server_name: Tower
    ssl: false
    ssl_cert: false
    download_images: true
    max: 5
    - movie
    - show

i changed download_image was set to false, i changed it to true, this may have been the issue lol

weird, so now nothing is loading as far as images and context

why is it doing this? 108.240.190.XXX cannot be reached that is my public IP

i seem to be getting this error now requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘,’, port=32400): Max retries exceeded with url: /photo/:/transcode?width=200&height=200&minSize=1&url=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.248%2C172.30.32.1%3A32400%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F2819%2Fart%2F1563463437%3FX-Plex-Token%3DXQJbiLWDvsdFgSvLGF8m&X-Plex-Token=XQJbiLWDvsdFgSvLGF8m (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f2c42994208>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve’))

Please, follow the steps in the troubleshooting guide and be sure you can connect to your plex api manually.

Also, as the example from the readme says “Do not just copy examples, please use config options above to build your own!”. The example is there as an example only, it will not work for you. Make your config using only the options that you need for your particular setup, if you’re still having issues try using the host and port options instead of the server_name option.

now for some reason the plex_recently_added is not showing up at all

Seems broken after upgrading to latest version of home-assistant :frowning:

If you see the “Platform not found” error, restart Home Assistant a couple of times and it should eventually start working.


requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=',', port=32400): Max retries exceeded with url: /photo/:/transcode?width=200&height=200&minSize=1&url=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.248%2C172.30.32.1%3A32400%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F2815%2Fart%2F1563356803%3FX-Plex-Token%3Dx9c46MUfvvCmcgTHmbKM&X-Plex-Token=x9c46MUfvvCmcgTHmbKM (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f362c668850>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve'))

That’s a DNS issue.

I understand it could be potentially a DNS issue, DNS is translating words to IP addresses…, i do not use hassio.local i just use my ip address, so DNS is typcally not involved when i go straight to the IP address, nothing should be converted

I have a feeling it has something to do with the latestet update
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘,’, port=32400)

This seems suspicious, why does it list two ip addresses? It should only have one, the one ending in .248

I apologise, but I’m on vacation for a couple of weeks and internet access is sparse. I’ll be back at it soon. Thank you for your patience.

Try connecting using the host/port options instead of using the server_name

Update for Plex_Recently_Added Component:

Separate sensors for different libraries (movies, tv, etc.) is now possible thanks to a PR from @patrik996

In config for the sensor use the new name: option. Example:

  - platform: plex_recently_added
    name: Recently Added Movies # will create sensor.recently_added_movies
    token: !secret token
    host: !secret host
    port: 32400
    - movie

  - platform: plex_recently_added
    name: Recently Added TV  # will create sensor.recently_added_tv
    token: !secret token
    host: !secret host
    port: 32400
    - show