Lovelace: Upcoming Media Card

That all looks good, what does your lovelace code look like?

Also, try a hard browser refresh. Usually, Ctrl + Shift + R.

didn,t work…

my cards:

  - type: vertical-stack
    - type: entities
      title: Sonarr
      show_header_toggle: true
        - sensor.sonarr_queue
        - sensor.sonarr_series
        - sensor.sonarr_wanted
        - sensor.sonarr_upcoming  
    - type: custom:upcoming-media-card
      title: Sonarr Upcoming
      service: sonarr
      image_style: fanart
      clock: 12
      max: 10
      # show_color: '#ffffff'
      # episode_color: '#000000'
      # time_color: '#f41103'
      # downloaded_color: '#000000'
      # ribbon_color: '#03a9f4'
      # border_color: 'grey'           

  - type: vertical-stack
    - type: entities
      title: Radarr
      show_header_toggle: true
        - sensor.radarr_status
        - sensor.radarr_movies
        - sensor.radarr_commands
        - sensor.radarr_upcoming 

    - type: custom:upcoming-media-card
      title: Radarr Upcoming
      service: radarr
      image_style: fanart
      title_color: '#fff'
      extra_color: '#fff'
      clock: 12
      max: 10
      # show_color: '#ffffff'
      # episode_color: '#000000'
      # time_color: '#f41103'
      # downloaded_color: '#000000'
      # ribbon_color: '#03a9f4'
      # border_color: 'grey'

Looking further into your error. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined

Just noticed its complaining about an error with “match” on line 192 of the code. There have been 4 updates to the card since the last time that line contained “match”.

I believe you need to update your card to the latest.

Or you need to make sure you’re adding a new version number to the resources portion of your lovelace. Might also need to delete your browser cache. Your card is definitely using a version from October 3rd or earlier.


upcoming-media-card is not listed under Custom Cards so it is not being updated. Your components look fine though.

oh… I thought it was also part of the custom updater…

It is.

Do these lines exist in your configuration.yaml?

    - components
    - cards

It should…

    - components
    - cards

Yeah, not sure why your custom updater isn’t picking it up. I would just manually update the card and add the current version number in your lovelace yaml resources.

- url: /local/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card/upcoming-media-card.js?v=0.2.2
  type: js

How is that option configured? It seems to default to hidden.

NVM I found it’s added to config yaml. When I changed it to true I got extra cards so it seems to default to false despite the config instructions saying it defaults to true. I also checked the sensor and it was only showing 1 release before I edited config yaml and added theatres: true and I now see 4 in upcoming media radarr.

You’re right, I meant to have it set to true by default, but it was indeed false. I’ve made that quick fix.


Love your work and responsiveness!!!

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Just updated everything to the latest version and I get :- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'airdate' of undefined

10:01 PM components/system_log/ (ERROR) Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attributes' of undefined

9:58 PM components/system_log/ (ERROR)  

What am I missing ? - I checked both sensors and it looks like all the data is there…

Have you restarted after updating components? What’s the sensor data? @swifty

Yep restarted and tried manually upping the version on the resources entry.

Data for radar :
data: [{“title_default”: “$title”, “line1_default”: “$release”, “line2_default”: “$genres”, “line3_default”: “$rating - $runtime”, “line4_default”: “$studio”, “icon”: “mdi:arrow-down-bold”, “airdate”: “2018-10-30T00:00:00Z”, “release”: “Available $day”, “title”: “Some Movie”, “flag”: true, “runtime”: 94, “genres”: “Action”, “studio”: “STX Entertainment”, “rating”: “\u2605 5.7”, “poster”: “”, “fanart”: “”}]
friendly_name: Radarr Upcoming media

I’ve commented out radar/sonarr alternately to see which is causing the issue, but both have the error.

Whats your lovelace yaml for the cards look like?

  - url: /local/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card/upcoming-media-card.js?v=0.2.6
    type: js
  - type: custom:upcoming-media-card
    entity: sensor.radarr_upcoming_media
    text_shadows: false

I had “service: radarr” instead of entity previously, but when it stopped working after the update, i checked the docs and noticed it now seems to be entity - changing it didn’t help though.