Low battery level detection & notification for all battery sensors

I experienced the same thing.
I had to restart HA after adding the blueprint in. Then it would show up.

@WedHumpDay - Thanks, but I’ve done that a number of times and still have the same result.

Bummer… Also, the author has not responded within at least a week on the error HA is generating on this Blueprint.

IMHO - Blueprints need to be proofed out before posting. And when posted, maintain their blueprints as HA does make enhancements breaking some settings, which is called out during release.


Blueprint is working fine here (just got a notification yesterday) and I am regularly updating HA to the latest version. I just did the 2021.3.4 update and created a new automation with the blueprint. No log entries and triggering manually works fine.

If you see an issue like blueprint “generated invalid automation” it could be something in your actions could be wrong.

In the past there seemed to be some HA related issue wher HA put broken blueprint related sections in automations.yaml I would check your file and maybe remove all automation section related to the blueprint and then try again.

Hello @Sbyx !
Nice Blueprint, this is my first one. Added the Telegram notify and it works great.
I’ve a Feature Request, which should not be so difficult:
This automation is based on a periodic check (once a week or once a day) looking for the battery device_class.
Would be possible to implement the same check, with a faster frequence (i.e. every two hours) for check the devices which has a linkquality attribute? Maybe it works on battery as well. My goal is to check if those devices are working or not. I’ve different ZigBee devices and the problem is, they could not be paired correctly and so I’ve no idea if they are working or not. So looking for the last_update status could trigger a notification.
Possible to implement?

I really like the design of this blueprint. Unfortunately just like @WedHumpDay I was getting errors when trying to actually generate the automation (same errors in fact).

Not to step on the toes of @Sbyx but I went and basically forked it over to https://github.com/tykeal/homeassistant-blueprints

While I did that I did some formatting cleanup and then ran it through yamllint which highlighted some problems with the code. Applying fixes has given me a cleanly installing and working automation.

Direct install of this version is at:


Outstanding @tykeal !!!
Just tested and works perfectly, no error messages.

The only downside I see with all alerting systems, if there are 2+ sensors then the alert messages places them one behind the other. Ideally, each device should be on it’s own line. Not complaining, this is working, so kudos. If more than one sensor goes off its easy enough to check the Battery tab…

Customized my own message and all is working.

device_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
domain: mobile_app
type: notify
title: Low Battery
message: '{{sensors}}'

Is there any way to get a notification each time you update (modify, improve or bug-fix) this Blueprint?

I’m not presently aware of an easy way to get notifications of updates to the source blueprint once they’re imported.

First time using blueprints as Im setup for yaml still. When I enter the message line it turns the whole thing in to raw edit and then I cant save it. Gives me a 500 error. Trying to send a notification to discord.

'Low battery warning for: {{sensors}}'

I suggest that you remove the {{sensors}} dynamic and get a message working first. Once you have that then you can modify the sent message to include {{sensors}}

I had to take the raw code and paste it in my yaml. Doesn’t seem like blueprints work with the old method of editing configs.

Just installed this on the latest version 2021.4.3 and everything worked flawlessly, included creating automation from blueprint and manually running actions.

Also, to contribute:
I personally use the ring-mqtt integration and the battery entities do NOT use the battery class. Which means in my case, a lot of the devices would not be checked. But these entities have an attribute called “batteryLevel”, here is a full set for one, so people can understand.

batteryLevel: 100
batteryStatus: full
commStatus: ok
firmwareStatus: up-to-date
lastCommTime: 2021-04-10T20:29:39Z
lastUpdate: 2021-04-10T20:29:39Z
linkQuality: ok
serialNumber: BHDE21932EL000252
tamperStatus: ok
unit_of_measurement: %
friendly_name: Back Door Contact Sensor Battery
icon: mdi:battery

So I have ended up using the attribute to include those devices too, Sbyx feel free to include it in the original blueprint, or as optional code in your first post, should you see value.

This is the code to copy straight into the automation file, replacing what is already there for sensors:

  sensors: "{% set result = namespace(sensors=[]) %} {% for state in states.sensor\
    \ | selectattr('attributes.device_class', '==', 'battery') %}\n  {% if 0 <= state.state\
    \ | int(-1) < threshold | int and not state.entity_id in exclude.entity_id %}\n\
    \    {% set result.sensors = result.sensors + [state.name ~ ' (' ~ state.state\
    \ ~ ' %)'] %}\n  {% endif %}\n{% endfor %} {% for state in states.sensor\
    \ | selectattr('attributes.batteryLevel', 'defined') %}\n  {% if 0 <= state.state\
    \ | int(-1) < threshold | int and not state.entity_id in exclude.entity_id %}\n\
    \    {% set result.sensors = result.sensors + [state.name ~ ' (' ~ state.state\
    \ ~ ' %)'] %}\n  {% endif %}\n{% endfor %} {% for state in states.binary_sensor\
    \ | selectattr('attributes.device_class', '==', 'battery') | selectattr('state',\
    \ '==', 'on') %}\n  {% if not state.entity_id in exclude.entity_id %}\n    {%\
    \ set result.sensors = result.sensors + [state.name] %}\n  {% endif %}\n{% endfor\
    \ %} {{result.sensors|join(', ')}}"

Here is the clean version of only what was added:

    {% for state in states.sensor | selectattr('attributes.batteryLevel', 'defined') %}
      {% if 0 <= state.state | int(-1) < threshold | int and not state.entity_id in exclude.entity_id %}
        {% set result.sensors = result.sensors + [state.name ~ ' (' ~ state.state ~ ' %)'] %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

I appreciate this will iterate through states.sensor twice, but I am not familiar with Jinja and I am not sure if you could select multiple attributes in one go.

Hope this helps others too!

LE: fixed selectattr comparison.


@robertalexa Thanks for that. I had the same issue and was trying to modify the code to adjust it for Ring devices. @Sbyx Is this something that can be included in the blueprint? Or optionally a text field to select what attributes to check on with the default being what’s in it currently?

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you are welcome :slight_smile: glad it helped somebody else too.

as to my original post, you can’t select multiple attr in one single loop, so it has to be this way.


Thanks for writing and posting this. It saved me a lot of time! I like the new addition that you mention of being able to exclude devices.

@tykeal Just a heads-up, since updating to 2021.5.0 I’m getting a log error with your blueprint now:

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation
Source: components/automation/__init__.py:628
Integration: Automation ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/automation), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+automation%22))
First occurred: 7:53:25 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:53:25 PM

Blueprint Low battery level detection & notification for all battery sensors generated invalid automation with inputs OrderedDict([('time', '10:00:00'), ('actions', [OrderedDict([('service', 'persistent_notification.create'), ('data', 'Low battery warning for: {{sensors}}')]), OrderedDict([('service', 'notify.notify'), ('data', OrderedDict([('message', 'Low battery warning for: {{sensors}}'), ('title', 'Low battery')]))])])]): expected dict for dictionary value @ data['action'][0]['default'][0]['data']. Got None 

@DarrenHill did you hit the test button? That’s the only time I’ve gotten that error.

In fact, I got a notification this morning during my standard scheduled run, and I upgraded to 2021.5.0 yesterday.

Where’s the test button? Happy to give it some testing, but that log error appears at reboot.

Also under integrations it shows as “failed to set up”

Ah… by test button I was meaning the ‘Run Actions’ button in the configuration UI.

I didn’t look at my logs after the restart. But it came up cleanly for me :-/

Having just taken a look, I just see the expected “You’re using a custom integration…” message for each of my HACS integrations