Low battery level detection & notification for all battery sensors

Nice blueprint, working like a charme!

How can I get rid of the space between the actual percentage and the %?
Can’t seem to find the place to delete a space in the blueprint.


Great job!!! Thank you

hmm… when running the blueprint I ““just”” get…

“Template variable warning: ‘sensors’ is undefined when rendering ‘{{sensors}} are running low’”

any idea what I am missing?

Thanks for this, works perfectly. Just one small adjustment as I have a few sensors which have battery_level as their entity name instead of just battery:

{% set battery_type = states(entity_id|replace('_level','')~'_type')|string %}
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A future version of Battery Notes will stop you having to do all this messing about crossing entities, still in early dev but a sneak peak here


Is there a template that would do todolist from the devices with low battery and maybe even delete entries if / when the baterry is replaced?

Or that would be impossible to do?

Most similar thing I found is this Listing sensors with battery state lower than input number helper - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

You’ll be able to create automations to both of those things with some new stuff coming in V2 in a few weeks.

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Great blueprint :slight_smile:
Love it.

But i have Battery type for my devices in attributes, i added that with customize-glob.

Is there away to add that info in the message?

oooh. This is exciting, Thank you!
And yes, are you referring to mostly Z-Wave devices that have the binary sensor for “low battery” ?

I love it! This new version of Battery Notes replaced most automations, blueprints and convoluted lovelace cards in my setups :slight_smile:

How did you add the batteries as secondary info? Got battery notes installed.


Honestly I have not studied your code yet, but is it possible to notify which one is the low battery?

I have created an automation using this blueprint quite a while ago. I am now getting an error for the automation as one of the device to be notified no longer valid due to an intentional change on the device. Hence I am trying to update or delete the automation but I am not able to edit the automation in the GUI nor find the automation in yaml.

I have the following lines in my configuration.yaml.
automation manual: !include_dir_merge_list automations/
automation ui: !include automations.yaml

I went through automations.yaml and the yaml files in automations/ but the automation is not listed. Any idea where it is stored ?

This blueprint would be stored in a file in config/blueprints/automation/SgtBatten

To be generic blueprints are installed at config/blueprints/<blueprint_type>/<author>/<blueprint> in this cause blueprint_type is automation

Hi @Patrick1610 , maybe this blueprint does what you need?

Have you checked in the UI?
For a while now, automations are created changed in the UI. Configuration - Automation

Thanks for sharing!

@Sbyx Thanks for this awesome blueprint! I just set it up and it was a piece of cake.

These are brilliant, thanks!