Loxone and Home Assistant

Nevermind, just found the how to. :wink:

Very good implementation, thank you for it.

One question not sure if possible at all or iam lookign from wrong direction.
Loxone LightControllerV2 one output RGB
Home assistant Zigbee RGB bulb

I will hit touch tree and it will send to LCV2 infou about RGB to some output, iam i receive it somehow in HA and send it to Zigbee RGB bulb.

Pls ignore way HA to bulb, thats working, but how get info from Lox to HA about color.

Thank you for tips.

Do you see the anything from your touch in ha? I mean is there an entity for the touch. If not you can listen to the event which is send. On ha you can listen to different event. Check the documentation. Maybe you can post the output.

Every event which is sent from the loxone is captured somehow in ha. I pass thru everything which comes from loxone. But I only create some entity classes for example buttons, shutters etc.

Important is that you have the uuid from your touch and maybe read the structure file description from loxone. You find hints on the GitHub pyloxone site.

Here is a topic with a similar problem:

I am quite new to Home Assistant, and I like loxone integration, because I use loxone / knx as main central for my smart home.
Home Assistant should only be a better visualisation.
Now my new Hot Tub has WLAN (I check before, how I can integrate it - and its possible with Home Assistant) and I was successfull to use it with home assistant. I have now several switches (power on/off, pump on/off, heater on/off, temperature). I used this: Lay-Z-Spa Hot Tub wi-fi pump automation - but I dont want to do the automatic with HO)
Is it somehow possible to “send” these switches to loxone and vice versa? I want to “synchonize” the status of these switches from HO, and want to use them in loxone (to create some logic for that ) and in Home Assistant.

If I switch on power from Loxone, the power button for my Hot Tub in HO should be switched on, and vice versa. So I can do a lot and easy autmation in Loxone (for example, switch on pump for 1 hr / day)
Can you give me some hints?

You could use virtual inputs and outputs for this in Loxone Config. As KNX support in Loxone has degraded a lot over time, I decided to convert my miniserver to a dumb IO module that passes its inputs through to HA and HA sets the outputs. All logic is in HA. Loxone was a nice solution when I first started with home automation 10 years ago, but I wouldn’t use it if I were to start over.

Dear All,

please help a complete newcomer to the Loxone world. I want to control a fan via 0-10V (based on outside air quality sensor data already in HA) with home assistant, and since a friend had a gen1 loxone miniserver lying in his drawer for years now, he gave it to me to play with, as it is more than “capable” of managing 0-10V output :smiley: :smiley:

I’m using HA for quite some year, I’d say I became fairly familiar with popping its hood up and dig into it. Bit I know absolutely nothing about the Loxone miniserver, just started to play with loxconfig. I’m sure my friend will help setting it up, but I’d like to understand about it about how I can manage data connection between the two systems (HA with PyLoxone and the miniserver).

So far what I’ve done:

  • setup miniserver with empty project
  • setup PyLoxone, and successfully import the miniserver into HA
  • test virtual buttons show up HA, but when I click on them in HA, their state does not change in Loxone
  • no physical input or output connection done with the miniserver (apart from ethernet obviously), first I try to establish steady logical connection between the two system.

I have a couple of first question:

  • is PyLoxone the only (or should I say easiest, as Loxone is quite versatile as far as I understand) way to integrate a miniserver into HA?
  • what kind of button should I create in Loxconfig which will show up and controllable in HA “natively”? is there any prerequisite in Loxconfig for a button to work (by working I mean when I press it in HA the state changes in Loxone as well)

Many thanks in advance!

I’m using Node Red in Home Assistant, with node-red-contrib-loxone to send comands to and receive data from my miniserver. Another way to receive commands from the miniserver is by using websockets in HA and a Virtual Output in the miniserver. The added benefit of using node-red-contrib-loxone is, you’ll see all available controls prefilled in the nodes.

If all you want is to control a fan, maybe you can have a look at ESPHome configuration for PWM to 0..10V output, sensor and control - #21 by leinich but I get it if you want to learn more about Loxone.

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Thanks a lot for the very quick answer, and for the great tips where to dig for more information!!!


I beleive you will need to control one of the 0-10V outputs on the Miniserver. However as far as I can see there is no specific control implemented in the PyLoxone project for the analogue outputs.

What you could try is to add the chosen analogue output to the loxone config, expose as favourite so it turns up in the device list, then find the GUID as per the description https://github.com/JoDehli/PyLoxone#how-do-you-get-the-uuid and create some kind of control in HA to emit websocket commands to Loxone.
As the control for the analogue output is a number 0…10 you should look for some control that can be adjusted like this, maybe an input_number to test with? And for the final setup you can probably setup automation with some logic to send the right value to Loxone based on the air quality.

This is just a theoretical setup, I did not try or test anything, just an idea.


At least it’s something to wrap my mind around! And much more than I could come up with, so much appreciated!! :smiley:

I have a strange behaviour:
Example 1:
Studio light is OFF
Time automation to put Studio light to OFF at 07:30PM
Works (it does nothing)

Example 1:
Studio light is OFF
Time automation to put Studio light to ON at 09:30AM
Works (light lights up)

Example 1:
Studio light is ON
Time automation to put Studio light to ON at 10:30AM
Doesn’t work: light will switch to off

It seems that when a light is ON and something should put it to ON, instead to send the ON message (so nothing to do) it will toggle the entity.
My automation is quite simple:

alias: TEST
description: ""
  - platform: time
    at: "10:30:00"
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: light.luce_studio
mode: single

Loxone version: (but it was the same on previouses versions)
PyLoxone: latest version
Home Assistant: 2022.09.1

Any suggestion?

Hi all, can i ask what should be the best way to handle “text value”

Loxone “Hi welcome home” to HA
and same way back

Purpose is to use caller service and messages around, i would create set of messages in both system and then triggering by memory flags etc, but if msg are with changing values “Today is 5C” this will not works.

Thanks you for tip. i use PyLox for 2 years and sometimes cant imagine easy thing and found in this topic how easy this is, but that one i didnt find idea.

Not sure if I am alone but I have long term issue with the integration not handling Miniserver restarts well.

The old websocket implementation (in the stable version) could sometimes reconnect after miniserver restarted but not always and the new beta can’t reconnect at all so I finally came up with the automation that seems to work reliably for me:

alias: Loxone value not updated
description: "Detection of lost connection between Loxone and HA"
  - platform: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ as_timestamp(now()) -
      as_timestamp(states.sensor.prikon_rack.last_updated) > 180 }}
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ as_timestamp(now()) -
      as_timestamp(states.sensor.prikon_rack.last_updated) > 180 }}
    enabled: true
  - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      entry_id: 151b12d522013c3fa770a3cb8b27c3cf
    enabled: true
      device_id: c780b98880319d5ce91209a18f2e6501
  - service: notify.mobile_app_XXXX
      message: "Value from Loxone is not updated "
mode: single

The sensor prikon_rack I have chosen is a value that is changing very often so it is a good candidate for this detection even thought not 100% reliable and I would definitely want to come up with something that would not rely on sensor being updated by external events.
Maybe exporting something like current time from Loxone would be better :thinking:

Anyway, as @Jojo is now working on that brand new websocket implementation there is a hope this won’t be needed in the future and the integration will correctly detect Miniserver restarts and will reconnect itself :crossed_fingers:

Is it possible to use this with the miniserver compact?

Hello , I just installed PyLoxone in Home assistant , on a Raspberry Pi4, with a DietPi distribution. I used the HACS method for installing.
I can not find too much information on the internet about Py Loxone, for example I see in my Home Assistent->integration->pyLoxone only one device and one entity, an the entity is empty.

Sorry if it is a stupid question, but I do not know how to import the loxone entities.


No sure what kind of information about the PyLoxone you are looking for. All you need to make it working is in the Readme.
All the entities you have available in the Loxone web/app under the user which you used for the HA integration should be visible in HA.
You can check what is visible also by checking the Loxone json as described here.