I’d advise to take a closer look to the forum rules. There are some interesting things in there, like not tagging people or editing posts instead of making a new one and so on. You can find them here:
And I’d advise to read up on this specific topic, or take a look at the release party videos or read the blog entries. All your questions are already answered, as long as there are answers to give at the moment. Eg. if and when a wake word will be available in HA assist is something nobody knows at the moment (beside someone who is hopefully developing it). Hint: there is a live stream planned for the 23rd of this month, the so called Chapter3 of the year of the voice. Some people speculate that it cold be the introduction of a wake word…
So before putting in a feature request, you might want to inform yourself about what is planned, what is already in development and what is already down voted. Then you can open up a thread here in this very forum, to see if your FR seems reasonable and gets at least a few votes. If so, go ahead and make a FR on Github. The rules on how to put a FR on Github are available in the FR template on Github as well.