MagicLight/Flux WiFi Color LED Light Component

Not that I am aware of you need to sign in to control the light from your mobile device. I have this in my light.yaml config

- platform: flux_led
      name: TV Color Lights
      name: TV Color Lights1
      name: kitchen cabinet lights
      name: display light

maybe that will help point you in a direction that works.

How did you assign those IP address to LED controller. My LED controller only gave me option to connect adhoc network. (LED controller had local wifi controller to which I can connect my phone). I was only able to connect led controller to my home wifi after creating an account.

I also needed an account for the first setup. However, I created a temporary one with a trashmail.

If you don’t mind poking around the insides, you can load it with the tasmota firmware. Then it just uses mqtt commands for control

More info here >>

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I just did this :slight_smile: Thanks for the tip.

recently purchased a couple of led bubls that are controlled with the Magic Home android app.
They create a wifi ap named “LedenetXXXX” on startup.

The component can usually turn them on/off, but never change the color.
Am i stuck with a new version of the ledenet protocol ?

I would have no hesitation to flash alternative fw on them, unfortunately the rx, tx & gnd pads are unreachable.

Any hints ?

I have a bunch of the Magic Home LED strip controllers.

In the Magic Home app, you can associate the device to your Wifi network. Once its on your home network, you can control it with HA by pointing the FLUX_LED component to the IP address of the device. You’ll also need to include the “RGB” or RGBW" option in the yaml file (if you are missing this, this may be while you are missing the color option.

Also, make sure that your home router is assigning your device the same IP address every time, otherwise you’ll lose connectivity from HA.

If this doesn’t fix it, you can try flashing it with tasmota, but if its a bulb and not a controller, it might be a lot of work tearing it down.

Thanks for the hints, but i guess I must not have explained myself properly. I will try again ;

The bulbs are of the kind that create a wifi AP named “LedenetXXXX” on startup.
After having configured them with the Magic Home app, and after configuring the Flux_Led component in HA, i have these issues :

  • sometimes the bulb doesn’t switch on or off.
  • the colorpicker does not allow me to change the color.

I would love to flash Espurna in the bulbs, unfortunately the rx, tx, and gnd pads are unreachable even after opening the bulb. The esp is glued solid into the housing, no way to reach it except with unreasonable force.

I’ve read in this forum that the Ledenet - type bulbs are using a newer protocol, which the HA component doesn’t properly understand. Could this be what is going on here ?

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Yes, I understood you the first time (I think). The AP (access point) that these bulbs create are only suppose to be used temporarily, so that you can connect to the bulb using you app. Once connected to the bulb’s temporary access point, tap on the “+” mark on the top right in the Magic Home app. This will give you a menu. Select connect to wifi network and select the SSID of your home network, and it’s password.

Once the bulb is connected to your wifi network, it will get an IP address on your home network and then it can communicate with HA and you can control it.

I see my issue isn’t coming over properly :

There is no issue whatsoever to configure the bulbs into my network.
The bulbs work great in the Magic Home app.

There are some issues with controlling the lamp when using the flux_led component.
Sometimes it works, sometimes no.

I only mentioned the LedenetXXXX ssid to prove that these bulbs should be fully compatible.
But it seems they are not.

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Hi guys!

I have a bit of a hassle right here…
My homeassistant instance is running in my private cloud.
I have a couple of Flux_Led’s at home. But when i try to map the devices to my Homeassistant, i can only map just 1… since it uses port 5577.
I forward port 5577 to a specific IP of the flux_led.

I thought i could add a port number behind the ip addres in the config but that just doesnt work at all…

Ant idea’s? I tried to add a piece of code in the “/homeassistant/components/flux_led/” (which didnt work). but to be honnest… PHP, C#, ASP, etc. is my thing… but Python is a language i still cant speak haha…

Hope to hear from ya soon!

Flash it with Tasmota or ESPhome

You can flash a Flux LED lightbulb with that? How?

Open it up and flash.

Has anyone had success getting the RGBCW MagicLight bulbs to work with Home Assistant?

I bought 4 of these a couple days ago:

Seems turning on/off is very finicky (only sometimes works) and setting color isn’t working at all. If I move the color temperature slider around it will change the bulb but it will also randomly turn off when I am changing it.

I tried rgb and rgbw as well as both of those with the protocol set to ledenet and it still isn’t working right. RGB got me the closest but I can only select colors and can’t get the bulb to go into bright white mode.

I have another magiclight bulb that works fine but it only supports rgb. The new bulb I bought shows the “CCT” option in the MagicLight app but the old bulb doesn’t have that option. I wonder if the integration needs to be updated to handle CCT for RGBCW bulbs? This CCT option just adjusts the bright white colors of the bulb.

Any help on figuring this out would be greatly appreciated.

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Same issue here. I’m trying to flash the Tasmota firmware, but it seems like the Tuya-convert tool cannot connect to these MagicLight bulbs… Damn it.