Mail and Packages: Custom component for UPS, FEDEX, and USPS

0.30.b40, the latest that I see.

Logger: custom_components.mail_and_packages.helpers
Source: custom_components/mail_and_packages/
Integration: Mail and Packages (documentation, issues)
First occurred: January 31, 2021, 7:41:43 PM (608 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:57:11 AM

Problem decoding email message: Expected list, got <class 'str'>

Not sure if the cause is the integration or the card? Looks like integration.

b41 should resolve this, should be out after the tests pass.

Fixed for me. That was quick.

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The the amazon picture card get changed to where it is copied to? I have not gotten a picture update since 1/21 and I have had several deliveries.

They don’t always attach the images anymore.

It is in the email to me saying it was delivered.

Any errors in the log?
If you kick on the debugging you can follow the amazon process, it’s the first thing that gets checked.
You should get an entry stating that it’s downloading <url to your image>.

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Do I add to my yaml logger debug?

So the easiest way is to call the service, but that only works if you’ve enabled logging.

Here’s the steps to do that.

No errors in the logs for this. I added to my configuration.yaml ( with the others I troubleshoot).

Trying to figure out why Amazon Packages are not being displayed (seems everything else is good).
My sensor.mail_amazon_packages shows “0” packages. The following is also displayed.

order: #113-3219214-6037849, #111-1832743-2733814, #113-8173176-6421004, #113-1017244-2025802
unit_of_measurement: package(s)
friendly_name: Amazon Packages
icon: mdi:amazon
entity_picture: /local/mail_and_packages/amazon-wh.png

This package 113-8173176-6421004 is supposed to be delivered today.
Screenshot from 2021-02-02 13-03-27

Screenshot from 2021-02-02 13-03-49

The lovelace card displays this.
Screenshot from 2021-02-02 13-05-13

What should I look for to see why the Amazon Package is not displayed.

I would to this is my issue:
The “mail_today.giff”. is that taken from your daily email from the USPS? if so how do yoy get it to show up?

You need to use a camera entity or the custom card. If you chose to install the latest beta there is no longer a file named ‘mail_today.gif”. There are now sensors that provide the path.

Is there any info on configuration? This what I have and all show as unavailable


I’ve been trying to diagnose this issue and made things works. I now no longer have any mail sensors what so ever. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, used b38, b41, revered back to 0.2.3. Nothing works.

I have completely removed the integration, restarted, reinstalled the integration, nothing works. I do not show any sensors for Fedex, USPS, DHL, UPS, etc. I know my email is setup correctly because it shows my gmail mailboxes correctly.

Am I missing some directory that should be deleted?

Hi guys. I think I am missing something really obvious here. I have everything working it appears except the sensor.mail deliveries message piece. Am I correct that I can use the template provided on the intergrations exampples page to activate this last sensor? I have it in my configuration.yaml and the connfig shows as valid. However, I dont thee this sensor as an option when I want to include it on the mail and packages custom card. I am sure the error is on my side but I cant seem to figure out which step I am missing…?


Since the last beta, I have not gotten any of the pictures (US mail or Amazon). No errors showing in the log. All the files are copied correctly to the mail and package folder.

Correct, delivery sensor is not part of the integration so users can customize the message to suite their needs. Can you post the hamlet you are using?

You are seeing the final image file in the folder? Which sensor are you using to supply the image path and where are you expecting the image to show?