Mail and Packages: Custom component for UPS, FEDEX, and USPS

I was also getting tons of those… I ended up removing the component as I was trying to cleanup a few errors in log and haven’t tried again. In watching debug it seems it just tries checking immediately while other things are starting. Is there a way to delay the start of the first email check? Or reduce the frequency just slightly? I feel like that might help get rid of the 10 second messages.

I was thinking that may be the cause of the delay because the message are not there if I disable it. I can see the image gets updated right away. The frequency is only every 5 minutes. There are some efficiencies in the process I would like to implement but I’m not complete sure how to yet. I will also have to look into how other components start.

Almost there just doing more testing.


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Integration? Awesome!

Only issue I haven’t been able to fix with it is getting the to setup via config flow :frowning:
Easy work around is just using the local_file camera anyways which it was a hack of :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to give it a run down.

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I’ve noticed that the transition between mail in the GIF can be slow and inconsistent in the Lovelace card. I have not set up a camera for it. Do you notice a difference between the card and the camera transition time between mail pieces? If the camera is more consistent with the 2 sec timing, can it be incorporated into the card?

I never really used the card, I’ve only used the local file camera to display the image.

Did you have this working in Hassio? Sorry a little new to some of this - looks like might have, interested in this if so. Thanks

The component works in HassIO.

One last quick question. looking at the following I assume mail_host is your Gmail account? I tried to set it up but no luck. Ill keep messing around but figured I would ask.

  - platform: mail_and_packages
    host: 'mail_host'
    username: 'mail_username'
    password: 'mail_password' 

The latest version uses integrations, no sensor configs are needed.

Oh, I get it :slight_smile: Must be something wrong with my setup, but I understand what you are saying.

Once I get that part configured - assuming host is and the rest is well pretty straight forward.

Sorry forgot to say that yes it’d be the for the host. Odd that your labels are not showing up. I’ll look into that.

It should look like this:

Thanks got it running - everything is still blank but I assume from what I was reading above its because its Sunday and nothing is being delivered today. I have 6 packages being delivered this week, and from reading everything above, if they are coming monday In transit will update it 6 and all the other fields will correspond as well.

thanks for your help and responses.

The only thing I did notice (since my labels arent showing up) is that when I click on the actual integration - I get the message (this integration has no devices) not sure if that is common but figured Id mention it.

Integration page:

mail and packages Integration :

It’s possible I may not have pushed the correct copy :man_facepalming: I’ll double check when I get home.

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Just as an FYI - I pulled from the moralmunky repo, and not yours, if I should pull from yours I can quickly make the change.

No that’s where I push my updates from, I may not have pushed updates from my local machine to github tho. :frowning:

Ah - no problem - I am sure its something I did. my location for packages is different than yours but I am guessing that is minor (mine is packages: !include_dir_named components/packages), this is the message I see in the Logs.

Yup you have to set the last option to /config/www/mail_and_packages/ since you’re using HassIO.

Refer to my picture from this post.