Make a chunky card smaller - general, or specific way?

Sorry - this might be a daft question:

RomRider’s apexcharts-card suits a need I have very well - except I’d like it to be half the width - which it would be quite comfortable in with my data and headings.

It has an explicit option to scale the chart width (and height) but i don’t see one for scaling the entire card.

Have I missed a more general approach to this - perhaps something to do with layouts?

Many thanks,

Then I suggest you to ask all apexcharts-related questions in the main thread.
If you need additional “scaling” which is not covered by card’s native options - then probably card-mod may help you.

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Thank you - I asked here as I wondered if it might be a general thing (there are other chuncky cards).

I’ll try over there too :+1: