Make the HA Companion App detect arrive home fast enough to turn off the alarm before I enter?

Without looking at the documentation, I’m quite sure this is how it is…

The Unifi integration is polling, and the HA app pushing.
That means HA asks the router every now and then if you are home, so sometimes it’s “fast” and sometimes slow.
The app however will as soon as it detects the wifi send the information to HA.

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This is correct. Basically Android has whats called Intents that the system will broadcast when certain things happen in your phone. This benefits some of our sensors by converting them from poll to push because we get notified about the intents that we register for. In the case of wifi we get notified any time the device has a network state change. This update also happens when you are moving between AP so you can make use of the BSSID sensor to detect which AP you are currently connected to.

The companion docs will tell you which sensors update upon a state change and which ones update with the other sensors. Anytime any sensor has an update we do a check for all enabled sensors to see if their state has also changed.

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This is a side issue for anyone using presence to turn off an alarm: are you concerned that if someone steals your phone, they now have full access to your house as well?

No I’m not.
My phone was bought new for about €150 almost four years ago.
If someone steals it then they will be disappointed.
If I had a newer more expensive phone?
No… still not worried.

The person stealing a phone wants to sell it to get money.
The person most likely does not know you or where you live.
So they need to find that out first, then know what Home Assistant app is, generally I would say that is not the people here who steals other people’s phones, so that person needs to figure out that what Home Assistant is.
And know that you can unlock homes with it. Not that it’s in any way the norm.
Then that person must guess/hope that my home reacts to the phone alone.
Hope that I’m not home.
Return to the owner with that person’s phone and steal stuff from the home.

I’d say Trump has a better chance of becoming president again.

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I assume your phone has a code right? So they can’t get in. I’m considering putting a code on the home Assistant companion app as well

If it’s presence based then they don’t need to open the phone.
If they some how finds out that the app is installed and guess that it’s connected to the alarm/door then walking up to the house is enough.

A little trick I do is I have some delay to trigger the alarm if me or my wife are close to home. And right there I ask for location update to my phone. If no one is home yet I trigger the alarm. But I have Unifi and good range outside my house so It usually isn’t neccesary. I

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