Manually calculating power consumption of lights

Internal integration: That has been my experience too. Understandable. Your lut files problem is another issue to consider, agreed.

Rest sounds good. We will get there!

Will test this evening

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I have updated the integration naming from huepower to powercalc to facilitate broader use cases.
@cloak and others which are using the alpha version of the component will need to update configuration.yaml to reflect this changes. This will be the final renaming so no need to do that again in the future.
I’m going to further prepare things for HACS support so everyone who wants to use the component has en easy installation and upgrade procedure.
When everything is also working for @ThomDietrich I will tag the first beta version.

Hi @bramski,

here are my power measures for the color_temperature values of the LCT012 bulb:


@CM000n Great. Thanks for your efforts. If you want you can create a PR to add it to the component repository.

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@bramski and @CM000n, I’ve thrown the latest csv into my custom config folder and the power sensor that was erroring for one of my lights is all good now. Thanks very much for this!

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@bramski, I’ve tried installing powercalc manually at first and then by importing it into HACS. Both installation methods result in the following. I don’t appear to be able to open the detailed logs.

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.emulated_roku_automation_chooser
Source: components/automation/
Integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 8:53:29 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:53:29 PM

Error while executing automation automation.emulated_roku_automation_chooser: The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found.

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.emulated_roku_automation_chooser
Source: helpers/
Integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 8:53:29 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:53:29 PM

Emulated Roku Automation Chooser: Choose at step 2: choice 3: Error executing script. Error for call_service at pos 1: The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found.
Emulated Roku Automation Chooser: Error executing script. Error for choose at pos 2: The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found.

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 8:53:29 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:53:29 PM

The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found. Platform error sensor.powercalc - Integration 'powercalc' not found.
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I have nu clue. Will try to install the component in my own home assistent installation to see if I get the same error. It is working in my development installation

Installed the latest in HACS and all is working for my lights. I haven’t attempted the linear or fixed modes for other things yet, but sweet to see the component has a broader application than lights

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I did a lot more work on the component.

A few big features have been implemented.

  • Added support for switch, fan and binary_sensor entities as requested by @ThomDietrich
  • The directory with light manufacturer/model LUT files has been extended with a model.json containing more information about the given light. This also allows for defining the standby usage of the light and supporting additional modes (linear, fixed) from the model library besides lut mode.
  • Debug logging further improved
  • More intelligent mode selection. For example, when you supply a min_watt value, but no mode in the configuration than automatically linear mode will be selected.

Let me know if this new version works for you guys or if you experience any issues.


I have made a dedicated topic for the component where you can discuss the component and ask questions.


Hi Bram. Thanks very much for this integration. I am enjoying seeing how I can best use it in my setup. One thing that would make things easier for me is to allow group entities. I have five Hue bulbs in my kitchen. They are all either on or off and I already have a group setup to control them. I would like to be able to use that entity and a fixed calculation mode to display the power used for all five lights when they are on. Possible?

Yes this sounds possible. I have made an issue on github with this request. Planned to do some more work on the component later this week.


Can you please help me understand now().replace() function . how is the arguments calculating 1yrs. What if I wanna do it for 2yrs or 6month etc…

Hi I tried this , but i see the numbers of hours will keep reducing sometime, I guess after a restart it goes back to some random hour lesser than the actual reading and again continues . any idea for this behaviour ? Does restart of HA reset these values ?

I found the answer for understanding how the now().replace() is wroking from another member Jonny… (Thank you Jonny)
Here is the explanation if case for anyone else looking for it.

It is taking the now() and replaces parts of it. Take 2021-10-25 20:42.00, replace month with 1 and you get 2021-01-25 20:42.00, replace day with one to get 2021-01-01, and so on. It basically replaces everything except the year.

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Dumb question… if my lights are 13W, and I have 6 of them on a switch, then I want my configuration to look like this right?

  - platform: powercalc
    entity_id: light.dining_table_downlights
      # 6 downlights @ 13W for TV = 78
      power: 78

Have I got this right?


Yes Correct :+1:

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Thanks @OzGav

Are these lights dimmable? If so, you should have a look into linear mode, as the 13W will only be on full brightness.

Your configuration is correct to multiply the 13W by 6. Alternatively you could also use the multiply_factor option.

- platform: powercalc
  entity_id: light.dining_table_downlights
  multiply_factor: 6
    power: 13

Thanks - yes I figured that out (and have now done it).

Not dimmable.

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