Manually correct a wrong value in the Energy Dashboard

I have an issue with my Energy Monitoring Dashboard. Somewhere in March i had to change something how the Value is pushed into HA.

I get the Smart Meter Value via MQTT as total_increasing but on March 2nd there was something wrong which of course messes up whole statistic.

Is there some way i can fix this error?

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Does nobody has an idea?
In the end i dont seem to be the only one: Energy dashboard - Wrong value after history correction

I have the same need, to correct some history data. I monitoring my energy consumption with a Shelly 3EM since about 10 days. And already on two days, I have these impossible peaks.
Maybe someone knows, why that happens.
And how can I correct my data afterwards.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I still have incorrect measurements that completely skew my energy statistics. On the Shelly directly, I can’t see any false data or measurements. So the problem arises in the Homeassistant or when it reading the data.
I am grateful for any ideas…


I had an incorrect gas reading, total year was recorded somehow.
In this thread I found the solution for my problem:

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Thank you, that is very helpful!

I’m still try to get rid of this callculation error. It still occurs between once in 2 weeks or twice a day. Any suggestions?
Btw: HA is totalizing 3 phases from shellys current “Watt” and decides between day and night charge. Maybe the promplem happens somewhere there.

Thanks for any advice