(Manually) restoring backup

Hello community,

New member here! :wave:

I’ve been struggling all by myself for some days now, and I thought let’s share my challenges here since I’m sure you guys can help me out.

I used to have an ODROID N2+ with Home Assistant installed. It was configured that a nightly backup was made and uploaded to Google Drive. All good!

I no longer have the ODROID, so I bought myself a Home Assistant Green. Now I try to restore the backup to the Green…

The fresh home assistant installation gives me the option to restore the backup. When I try that, the file gets uploaded, the WebUI is unreachable and the LEDs on the board are flashing fast. As expected, it is restoring/copying the files. But this goes on for days. I let it set for 2 days and the board does not get up again. The only way to get it up and running is a factory reset by loading the factory image on an SD card.

So I thought, instead of restoring the image, maybe it is possible to manually open the backup and place the configuration bit by bit. When opening the tar files, all files seem to be encrypted, which also makes sense since I’ve added a password to the backup. Is there a way to decrypt the files so I can read the configuration files?

I do have the original password.

Or is there a better route to follow?

Thanks in advance!


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