I created a custom component (with my very limited programming skills…) to read my Multical 401 district heating meter. It does a readout every 7200 seconds (2hrs): PollingComponent with update_interval defined.
ESPhHome yaml and custom component: https://github.com/jjansen85/esphome_multical401
I tried creating a button, in combination with the component.update action.
But this gives the error ID 'multical' of type custom_component::CustomComponentConstructor doesn't inherit from PollingComponent. Please double check your ID is pointing to the correct value.
This goes a little bit above my knowledge
Does anyone know if it is possible to integrate an manual trigger to update sensor entities based on my custom component? Any hints are welcome
I’ve seen/used at least three different approaches. Unclear which is “best”. None were quite how you approached the .h linked so you might need to experiment.