The history feature of this card makes it incredibly useful, thanks for the work on this!
I live on a boat, and I have zones for where home (the boat) and the anchor location are. I’m updating the zones via various automations.
When I drop the anchor and let out chain, I set the radius of the anchor zone. Then I also set a larger radius for the anchor alarm (if the boat goes outside of the outer radius, HA shouts at me over all of my devices).
Having the visualization of the inner and outer circles is useful, as is the visualization of the boat location over time.
Is there a way to draw the inner and outer circles on your map card so that I can just have a single card on my dashboard?
Here is an example config I’m using (API keys redacted):
type: custom:map-card
focus_entity: zone.home
zoom: 6
card_size: 10
- entity: zone.home
display: icon
size: 40
- url: >-{z}/{x}/{y}?appid=<I have replaced this with my actual API key>
attribution: <a href="">OpenWeatherMap</a>
apikey: <I have replaced this with my actual API key>
It’s not displaying anything and I’ve tried a few different values. Does the attribution key need to be altered in some way?
To be sure we’re working toward the same goal…I’m trying to get Map 2.0 (not 1.0) working.
The 1.0 config seems to work with the {apikey} placeholder (as you mentioned) or explicitly replacing it with the actual api key (as I had it) since apikey: is specified on the third line.
For 2.0 (see link I posted above) I tried the same config as what you posted (that’s where I got it from initially) but replaced the 1.0 URL with the 2.0 URL. So, I’m asking if something else (e.g. attribution) also needs adjustment to get 2.0 to work. If so, what are those adjustments?
How does this work with integrations like GeoJSON, where locatable entities are dynamically created and destroyed? Is there a way to have the entities list be populated with filter or some other dynamic thing?
Nevermind… wrapping the whole card in an auto-entities card works. I should have tried it /before/ I asked.
Dear all, I have tried the map-card with the ESRI ArcGIS satellite image layer, but unfortunately the zoom is too low to display a garden. I actually captured a Google Maps image with its coordinates and I was wondering if there is a way to display this georeferenced image with map-card? Many thanks.
Yes, I saw it, many thanks, but unfortunately the ESRI images do not go beyong 18, so I cannot see the image…
maxZoom: 20
Do you know if there is a way to show an image with its upper-left and lower-right coordinates ? The idea is to get a Google image and georeference it in map-card ? Thanks a lot!
Super usefull card, thanks for the work. Did you ever try to get some of these features into the native HA map card (with pull requests to their project)? I was just looking into maybe adding a feature to set custom entity colors on the map, but then found your card. Would be nice to have your features integrated into the standard card
EDIT2: after using card with auto-entities I see they are not working very good, geo_location entities appear for 10 minutes and dissapear and with auto-entities, card is not refreshed
would be great if this card could use geo_location natively like default card, then it could replace it completely
Hi, I’m experimenting this card with my HA and a thing I lack is being able to connect paths through the actual roads. My device tracker sends the location every minute or so and I can’t change the frequency and when all coordinates are connected it just goes directly without following roads.
Does anyone knows how to work around this?