Map JSON value to String in REST Sensor


this is my first encounter with HA after becoming a bit frustrated with OpenHab :wink: My current “problem” is mapping the value I get out of a REST Sensor to a string. Background is a leakage protection device from a company named Syr. It has an API that responds to HTTP get requests with a JSON answer. So far so good, I get the correct values displayed in my default dashboard

# REST Sensor
  - platform: rest
    value_template: "{{value_json['getALA'] }}"

The value for getALA can be eight different values, each described with two characters. For example, FF is the code for “no alarm”, while A4 is the code for “Max flow alarm” and so on. Is there a way to map the values directly in this sensor or do I have to create a template for this? If it is the latter, do I always have to create two entries for such a device/entity?

Thanks & best regards,

# REST Sensor
  - platform: rest
    value_template: >
      {% set codes =
        { "FF": "No alarm",
          "A4": "Max flow alarm",
          "B2": "Something else",
          "D1": "Etc"
        } %}
      {{ codes.get(value_json['getALA'], 'unknown') }}

codes is a Jinja2 variable whose value is a dictionary. The dictionary’s keys correspond to the received hex values and the dictionary’s values are the associated code descriptions. You’ll need to expand the dictionary to contain the eight possible codes that can be received.

This line basically uses the received getALA value to find a matching key and report the associated value. If it fails to find a matching key, it reports the supplied default value unknown.

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Thank you. Worked like a charm. I have another question :wink: : The device has many different variables I can read out. They can either be be obtained individually or together with and will be returned as follows:

{"getSRN":"212511451","getVER":"Safe-Tech V3.56","getTYP":"140","getCNO":"RDGY638Y418Y4ZZ","getMAC":"0c:73:eb:51:4b:c5","getAB":"1","getPRF":"1","getPRN":"2","getPN1":"Home","getPV1":"150","getPT1":"30","getPF1":"3500","getPM1":"1","getPR1":"0","getPB1":"1","getPA1":"1","getPW1":"1","getPN2":"Away","getPV2":"30","getPT2":"30","getPF2":"3500","getPM2":"1","getPR2":"0","getPB2":"1","getPA2":"1","getPW2":"0","getPN3":"Profile 3","getPV3":"300","getPT3":"60","getPF3":"3500","getPM3":"1","getPR3":"0","getPB3":"1","getPA3":"0","getPW3":"0","getPN4":"Profile 4","getPV4":"300","getPT4":"60","getPF4":"3500","getPM4":"1","getPR4":"0","getPB4":"1","getPA4":"0","getPW4":"0","getPN5":"Profile 5","getPV5":"300","getPT5":"60","getPF5":"3500","getPM5":"1","getPR5":"0","getPB5":"1","getPA5":"0","getPW5":"0","getPN6":"Profile 6","getPV6":"300","getPT6":"60","getPF6":"3500","getPM6":"1","getPR6":"0","getPB6":"1","getPA6":"0","getPW6":"0","getPN7":"Profile 7","getPV7":"300","getPT7":"60","getPF7":"3500","getPM7":"1","getPR7":"0","getPA7":"0","getPB7":"1","getPW7":"0","getPN8":"Profile 8","getPV8":"300","getPT8":"60","getPF8":"3500","getPM8":"1","getPR8":"0","getPB8":"1","getPA8":"0","getPW8":"0","getLWT":"90","getTMP":"0","getVLV":"20","getCEL":"145","getBAR":"4800 mbar","getFLO":"0","getNPS":"5929","getALA":"FF","getALM":"Alarms:->A4 A3 AE A4 A3 AE A4 A3","getDMA":"1","getAVO":"0mL","getVOL":"Vol[L]14776","getLTV":"1","get71":"ERROR: ADM","getBAT":"9,42","getNET":"12,49","getBUZ":"1","getDBD":"10","getDBT":"15","getDST":"180","getDCM":"3","getDOM":"60","getDPL":"10","getDTC":"3","getDRP":"1","getWFC":"Pretty Fly for a WiFi","getWFS":"2","getWFR":"32","getRTC":"1681654816","getIDS":"1","getTMZ":"4","getFSL":[],"getCND":"874","getCNL":"0","getCNF":"20","getSLP":"0","getSLE":"0","getSLV":"168","getSLT":"1800","getSLF":"4600","getWAD":"1","getAPT":"3600","getWIP":"","getWGW":"","getSFV":"0"}

Is there a way I can map each of them to an individual sensor/binary sensor in HA? Of course I don’t need all of them, but about 8-10 would be nice…

Kind regards,

You’re welcome!

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Yes. Refer to the example in the REST integration.