Map: person not visible when Home - how to show anyway?

Ahh yes i got what you mean, also the map is auto scale, if there is a person outside then it will zoom out to include that (all) person. So when you open map, it is appropriately zoom to see all person. I just add badges to show who is home on overview

Correct, but a person (suppose a rather old person) may scale a map up/down and may be confused when they cannot see someone. And this may happen if “person is Home” or “person’s entity does not have geo coordinates because of some errors”.
For me the case “no person on the map” is about some emergency situation (no data for coordinates due to HA failure, Life360 failure etc).
That is why I think that the person MUST be displayed always even when home. And this may be changed by HA settings like “do not show a person when Home”.

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I would not use HA for emergency tracking purpose. You can create seperate persons only include GPS source. Then add Map card and add person to that map, then it will always shows on that map card.

Currently I display device_tracker entities (source=gps) on the map instead of person entities.
These trackers contain coordinates and are shown on the map.

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Add a new view and put in a map card to include those.

as suggested above you can create a new dashboard and tell it to open in the sidebar.

here is how mine is done thru yaml mode:

  mode: yaml
  resources: !include ui_lovelace_resources.yaml
      mode: yaml
      filename: lovelace_map_dash.yaml
      title: Map
      icon: mdi:map
      show_in_sidebar: true
      require_admin: false


title: Map
  - title: Map
    panel: true
      - type: map
        dark_mode: false
        default_zoom: 15
          - entity:
          - entity: person.her
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Yes, thank you very much for suggestions. Surely there are workarounds. But I think the person entity MUST keep containing coordinates if Home (like a gps-based device tracker).


I just wanted to chime in and say I really hate this default behavior. I can understand the intended logic (if people are at home, they don’t need to be shown and clutter the UI), but this just ends up being so anti-user.

If I don’t see an entity on the map, then I don’t know where they are. Do I need to scroll around? Zoom out? Did their device drop off and is no longer tracking? I don’t know, because there’s zero information to differentiate “entity at home” from “entity is anywhere else in the world other than what is currently on your screen.”


i agree. this decision should be left on user. I would be okay multiple icons showing up in home zone.

Another upvote for deciding whether to show persons on the default map. Current behaviour just makes no sense… One is allowed to see where people are anywhere in the world, except if they are at home.


I’m very curious as to the reasoning on this one - I must be missing something obvious.

One more vote in support from me. Hiding people from the map makes no sense to me regardless of where they are.

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Yet another upvote for at least having the option to always show, even when at home. Several reasons:

  1. It is confusing because you can’t tell if the tracker at home or not working at all. Those are two pretty extreme opposites that could be represented by the same thing. There is not way to tell the different at a glance.
  2. It makes the auto-zoom less useful for me (and probably others), because I care about where everybody is at, whether they are away or at home.
  3. It makes the auto-zoom less useful for me (and probably others), because I not only care about where everybody is at, I also care about where they are at relative to home.
  4. My home is on 25 acres of land, so the “home” area (as opposed to the “house” area) for automation purposes has a radius of 250m and the area of invisibility is quite large. I have legitimate uses for wanting to see where trackers are at within the “home” zone (are the kids out in the woods, out by the pond, out in the shop? Etc.).

The 1st reason is imho quite enough to change the current confusing (for me - silly) functionality.
Btw, I do not use this:

  - name: Ada
    id: ada6789
      - device_tracker.ada_router
      - device_tracker.ada_gps

because when Ada is at home - the entity does not have latitude and longitude since the last tracker is router-based - and Ada is not shown in a Map.
Have to use an alternative solution which DOES provide latitude and longitude always.

I came upon htis thread because I’ve only recently noticed that I can’t see entities at home. I have always been able to see myself and my spouse at home until a recent update. I have now spent about two hours trying to figure out what I broke… It looks like I didn’t break anything after all. Maybe this “feature” was added in a recent update?

Add me to the list of letting the user choose, and it should show all devices with location services on the map by default.

Recently, I encountered the same issue that persons are not displayed on the map when they are at home. It truly surprised me that it works this way. I believe it would be better to submit a feature request so we can vote for it.

Check FRs. May be it is already there. If not - then please create.

You are fast, I just found out that there is a FR indeed.
I think this FR need some votes…


Is it not possible, somehow, to add the coordinates of the device that monitors presence, so that the coordinates of home are reported?
I have an automization that does certain things if I am present at home, but it does not work if I am detected via BT tracker

Error: In ‘zone’ condition: error matching person.stefano with zone.home: entity person.stefano has no ‘latitude’ attribute

I haven’t tried this but would it be possible to just pick a random location as your home and tie your home to an actual location address? Basically, just don’t define Home at all. Would all people icons show correctly on just a location set as your home location?

Found this thread after just noticing that I am not showing on my map. I know for a fact that my wife and I used to populate on the map while being in the home zone. This was literally less than a month ago ( cuz i literally just started using home assistant) and now all of a sudden, i’m not on the map in my home zone anymore. What’s weirder is that in certain cases, my device tracker entity wont show as an option. I only get my wife’s phone device tracker as an option. But I exist as a person in home assistant (i’m the admin) and when I click on me, it shows my phone as the device tracker.