Markdown Card - Calander O365

Hi all

May I please ask if sanyone can review the below template. Thanks in advance.

ValueError: Template error: int got invalid input 'unknown' when rendering template

type: markdown
title: Calendar New Event
content: >-
  {% set cal = state_attr('calendar.calendar_daniel','data') %}
  {% for event in cal if as_timestamp(event.start) < as_timestamp(now())+states('input_select.timeframe_next_calendar_events')|int*60*60 -%}
  {% set start_time = event.start -%} 
  {% set end_time = event.end -%}
  {% set formatted_start_time = (as_timestamp(start_time))|timestamp_custom ('%a %-I:%M %p') -%}
  {% set formatted_end_time = (as_timestamp(end_time))|timestamp_custom ('%-I:%M %p') -%}
  {% set formatted_day = (as_timestamp(start_time)+18000)|timestamp_custom ('%a') -%}
    {% if event.all_day == True -%}
    **{{ formatted_day }}**{{ " | " + event.summary -}}
    {% else -%}
    **{{ formatted_start_time }} - {{ formatted_end_time }}**{{ " | " + event.summary -}}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}' but no default was specified

I don’t use any calendar integrations, but I’m fairly sure that the missing defaults for your timestamps are causing the error.

See: Updating Templates with the new default values in 2021.10.x