That is not, I tried and the same thing comes out, the literal text, it seems as if I was not able to interpret the template
<font color={% set long =states('binary_sensor.rclone_comando_longitud')%}{% if long == 'on' %}"white"{% else %}"red"{% endif %}>```[[ sensor.rclone_comando_limpio_lovelace ]]```</font>
<font color={% set long =states('binary_sensor.rclone_comando_longitud')%}{% if long == 'on' %}"white"{% else %}"red"{% endif %}>```{{ states('sensor.rclone_comando_limpio_lovelace') }}```</font>
Not even that
<font color={%'white' if is_state('binary_sensor.rclone_comando_longitud','on') else 'red'%}>
```[[ sensor.rclone_comando_limpio_lovelace ]]```</font>
please be more precise about what this means. error in the log?
btw, you didnât use my previous template, but kept your old. donât use the square brackets, and donât use the back ticks.
<font color = {{'white' if is_state('binary_sensor.rclone_comando_longitud','on') else 'red'}} >{{states('sensor.rclone_comando_limpio_lovelace')}} </font>
There is no error in the registry, I am trying to change the text color of a markdown card according to the status of a binary sensor, but I always get the literal text if I try.