Master Thesis - Machine Learning with Home Assistant

Hallo Anja,

Interesting topic. I am curious to know where you are at.

While it is still good to observe the data, I really wonder how you progress. I am not a machine learning expert but I would starting by determining the problem I want to solve! Because finding patterns without having a problem to solve is utopic.

As an example and certainly too late for your thesis (I do not have the data yet) but I would have a concrete problem to solve: manage the heating system. I have an underfloor heating system (water based) with a 3-4hours latency to warm up / cool down and I am convinced I can collect all necessary data to train a model that will determine what needs to happen to have 21 degrees in the house at 6pm for example. Not only the indoor / outdoor temperature sensors data but also all data related to the heating system (water temperature, valves opening…) and most importantly all weather forecasts for the next 24h (temp, humidity, wind, sunshine…).

Conclusion: on top of asking the people for data, I would ask them what kind of automation they could need or problem they want to solve because then the data could start making sense.

Maybe this helps.

me too, in my case it is a floor heating system and our flat quickly overheats.
I would have the same boundary conditions.

What I could offer is to create a mathematical model of the flat to calculate heat transfer. I would simulate it in Mathlab/Simulink or its open-source counterparts.

When I search for HA and ML I find only:

maybe Learn Netdata could be a solution to share data anonymously if they are going to develop a plug-in for HA (all the backends are already supported)

Hi @Anschke
I’m really interested if you could provide your results on this research project.

I’ve started looking into apply ML for HA by creating this add-on GitHub - lcmchris/thesillyhome-addon-repo: add on repo for thesillyhome but would love to see your methods in wrangling the data/ what models you were using.

Chris :slight_smile:

It’s a fantastic idea. Guys who are interested in building it together. Please reply. We may create a chat group to take this further.

Initially, I want to start working on thermostat while learning data from

  • Indoor temperature (DHT22)
  • Outdoor temperature
  • Indoor Humidity
  • Outdoor Humidity
  • Weather API data

Turn on Air conditioning and set the temperature according to usage patterns.

@Nova @Rahulsharma0810 @Anschke

hey guys, tbh I am looking for likeminded people as I have no friends and acquaintances :smiley:
the main focus of my studies where ml in general and I am super enthusiastic about bringing ML to HA

how about we start a thread or groupchat as @Rahulsharma0810 already suggested to stay in touch and maybe collaborate?

hello I have some questions on where you put the ml files and hoe you integrated them with HA. because I’m having difficulty , if you can help please let me know