One more quick question, this equation is gong to have a lot of helpers (only half way down now). Is there any chance that this will slow down HA or cause issues. I am sure there is a more eloquent way to do this but this is the extent of my newbie skills?
Ok so I have my final Eto number and many helpers working as required, thank you again @Didgeridrew .
Then next part is to start at an Eto Value of zero and increment that value every day while subtracting any rain that may have occured that day (all calcs to be done after midnight). My thought process on this is as folows
Make a sensor that starts at a zero flow (Eto_Total = 0)
add the Eto value at the end of each day to it (Eto_Total = Eto_Total + Daily Eto)
subtract of any rain ((Eto_Total = Eto_Total + Daily_Eto) - Rain)
I have no idea how to do this inside HA, is there a reference I can search?