Matter and IPv6

Does the python-matter-server docker add-on require IPv6 to be fully enabled through your home network?

I current have an Unraid server running HA Core and docker add-ons on my primary LAN with all my IoT devices on a separate VLAN. It’s all managed through a pfSense router with tons of firewall rules albeit all restricted to IPv4 traffic to limit VLAN → LAN traffic.

@digiblur posted a Youtube video saying that you only need to enabled IPv6 in the Unraid network settings but can leave your home network alone… however I’m reading a lot of documentation on Matter and Thread stating it’s an IPv6 protocol which would lead me to believe otherwise.

Matter Docker install video How To Install Matter Server w/ Docker on Home Assistant! - YouTube

Google Documentation on Thread + IPv6 Thread and IPv6  |  Matter  |  Google Home Developers

I didn’t have to enable IPV6 except on the docker service host itself. However the one key here is I wasn’t traversing vlans with this traffic either.

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I’m getting an Aqara U100 door lock tomorrow with the Aqara M2 hub. I’ll try to get these working over separate LANs using Matter to Home Assistant and report back.

The advice on getting Thread and Matter working reliably is to have IPv6 enabled (and working), and to have everything on a single network. Broken IPv6 or having HA on a different subnet is known to cause probems.

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There should be no issues with having HA on a different IPv6 subnet. At least no on the HA part.
IPv6 is a mighty beast to tackle for inexperienced network administrators and also for a lot of the experienced ones.
On top of that is the issues with broken firmware in many consumer-market network routers, especially the cheaper ones.
So there are many reasons why it may fail even though HA is capable of handling it correctly.

Welp matter is working to connect my Aqara Zigbee door lock U100 over the M2 hub to homeassistant despite the last two being on separate IPv4 only networks.

2 posts were split to a new topic: My Aqara U100 no longer works

Hi all,

Anyone have a good tutorial for Unifi network setup ?
I have my HA on my trusted Vlan 1 (default) and my IoT is on vlan 10
I am not able to add my Aqara M2 hub via matter on the IoT network to HA.
Not sure what I need to allow / open up for on the network side. So if one could point me in the right direction.


Move your HA to the IoT VLAN.
You have no change to set up IPv6 if you do not dive deep into it and get the basics right. It is not the same as IPv4 at all.