Maybe dumb, but do we need a ZBT-1 radio on the HA server for this to work?
I also got problems with the connection to Alexa.
(Matter Hub running as HA Addon, Port 5540, IPv6 enabled, iOs Alexa app with all app requests allowed).
What I don’t know (and understand what that’s got to do with it) is, which one of my Echo devices I should power cycle. I have a whole lot of different Echo types around my house and I already power cycled a few of them without success.
Can anyone describe to me how my iOs Alexa App technically connects to the HA Addon on my Homeserver? I don’t get it, sorry.
Also I enabled the debug logging, but I don’t know what it should look like when Alexa tries to connect to the hub. I’ve got a couple of Matter / MdnsScanner and Matter / Transaction entries, but that’s about it.
Thank you for your support.
I configured a second bridge with port 5550 and paired it with my Apple Homekit App. That works like a charm.
Hi, this looks like a fantastic solution to connect up Alexa and Google Home without using the cloud. I’ve given it a go, but both Alexa and Google Home fail to discover the hubs I’ve setup.
When I scan to see what ports are open on my HA instance, i don’t see 5540 or 5541, is this an issue ?
phil@desktop-phil:~$ nmap -p 1-10000 hassio
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2024-12-21 14:18 GMT
Nmap scan report for hassio (
Host is up (0.00019s latency).
Not shown: 9989 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
111/tcp open rpcbind
199/tcp open smux
1883/tcp open mqtt
1884/tcp open idmaps
4357/tcp open qsnet-cond
5355/tcp open llmnr
8056/tcp open senomix05
8123/tcp open polipo
8883/tcp open secure-mqtt
8884/tcp open unknown
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.28 seconds
however, they are open on UDP
phil@desktop-phil:~$ sudo nmap -sU -p 5539-5542 hassio
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2024-12-21 14:11 GMT
Nmap scan report for hassio (
Host is up (0.00025s latency).
5539/udp closed unknown
5540/udp open|filtered sdxauthd
5541/udp open|filtered unknown
5542/udp closed unknown
MAC Address: E0:51:D8:15:69:1F (Unknown)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.41 seconds
I have ipv6 enabled locally and I see my google and alexa devices with valid addresses as well as my home assistant install and the phone I’m using for pairing.
What is not clear to me is the exact requirements, both logical and physical for setting this up correctly:
Most Matter devices use Bluetooth to perform the initial pairing during setup. Is that the case here ? eg. When trying to pair with Alexa via the Alexa app on my phone do I need to be within Bluetooth range of my Alexa Show, Home Assistant or both ?
It would be really useful to know exactly how the pairing workflow works in order to find a solution to my issue, as there is no feedback in the apps, or anything in the HA logs to indicate why the pairing does not work.
This is the log output from the addon.
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-banner: starting
Add-on: Home-Assistant-Matter-Hub
Publish your entities from Home Assistant to any Matter-compatible controller like Alexa, Apple Home or Google Home.
Add-on version: 3.0.0-alpha.57
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 14.1 (amd64 / generic-x86-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2024.12.5
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2024.12.0
Please, share the above information when looking for help
or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-banner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-log-level: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service base-addon-log-level successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.211Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / ServerNodeStore ]: Opened *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9* storage at /config/data/dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.279Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9* ready endpoint#: 0 type: RootNode (0x16) behaviors: 💤parts ✓index ✓basicInformation ✓accessControl ✓groupKeyManagement ✓generalCommissioning ✓administratorCommissioning ✓operationalCredentials ✓generalDiagnostics ✓commissioning ✓network 💤productDescription 💤sessions 💤controller ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.284Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator* ready endpoint#: 1 type: Aggregator (0xe) behaviors: 💤parts ✓index ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.543Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_office_light* ready endpoint#: 29 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.543Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.switch_shelly1_f4cfa2e5e072* ready endpoint#: 31 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.544Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.script_livingroom_theatre_lights* ready endpoint#: 32 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.544Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.script_masterbedroom_bedtime_lights* ready endpoint#: 33 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.544Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.switch_sonoff_1000c02f0f* ready endpoint#: 34 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.545Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.switch_sonoff_10005045eb_2* ready endpoint#: 36 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.545Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_sonoff_10006977fc* ready endpoint#: 37 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.546Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_sonoff_1000697f87* ready endpoint#: 38 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.546Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.switch_sonoff_1000699f10* ready endpoint#: 39 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.547Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_sonoff_100051f65e* ready endpoint#: 40 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.547Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_sonoff_1000c17c0f* ready endpoint#: 41 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.547Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_sonoff_1000c1863f* ready endpoint#: 42 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.548Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_spare_bedroom_light* ready endpoint#: 43 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.548Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_sonoff_1000524960_123* ready endpoint#: 44 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.548Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_kitchen_lights* ready endpoint#: 45 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.549Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_stairs* ready endpoint#: 49 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.549Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_dining_room* ready endpoint#: 50 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.549Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_utility* ready endpoint#: 52 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.550Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_front_garden_lights* ready endpoint#: 53 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.550Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_master_bedroom* ready endpoint#: 54 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.550Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_ambers_bedroom_light* ready endpoint#: 30 type: ExtendedColorLight (0x10d) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓colorControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.551Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.switch_sonoff_10005045eb_1* ready endpoint#: 35 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.552Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_summer_house_fairy_lights* ready endpoint#: 46 type: ExtendedColorLight (0x10d) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓colorControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.553Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_patio* ready endpoint#: 55 type: ExtendedColorLight (0x10d) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓colorControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.553Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.light_living_room* ready endpoint#: 51 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.554Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.climate_upstairs* ready endpoint#: 47 type: Thermostat (0x301) behaviors: ✓identify ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓thermostat ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.555Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9.aggregator.climate_downstairs* ready endpoint#: 48 type: Thermostat (0x301) behaviors: ✓identify ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓thermostat ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.557Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Node ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9* going online
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.665Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Node ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9* is online
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.668Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / AccessControlServer ]: initializing ACL manager with ACL
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.689Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Commissioning ]: *dbd9cff8894a47b28dda5c0961dcd2e9* is uncommissioned passcode: 92777573 discriminator: 2029 manual pairing code: 16051756625
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QR code URL:
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.732Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / ServerNodeStore ]: Opened *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4* storage at /config/data/dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.742Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4* ready endpoint#: 0 type: RootNode (0x16) behaviors: 💤parts ✓index ✓basicInformation ✓accessControl ✓groupKeyManagement ✓generalCommissioning ✓administratorCommissioning ✓operationalCredentials ✓generalDiagnostics ✓commissioning ✓network 💤productDescription 💤sessions 💤controller ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.745Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator* ready endpoint#: 1 type: Aggregator (0xe) behaviors: 💤parts ✓index ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.989Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_office_light* ready endpoint#: 2 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.989Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.switch_shelly1_f4cfa2e5e072* ready endpoint#: 4 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.990Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.script_livingroom_theatre_lights* ready endpoint#: 5 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.990Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.script_masterbedroom_bedtime_lights* ready endpoint#: 6 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.990Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.switch_sonoff_1000c02f0f* ready endpoint#: 7 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.991Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.switch_sonoff_10005045eb_2* ready endpoint#: 9 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.991Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_sonoff_10006977fc* ready endpoint#: 10 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.992Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_sonoff_1000697f87* ready endpoint#: 11 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.992Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.switch_sonoff_1000699f10* ready endpoint#: 12 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.992Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_sonoff_100051f65e* ready endpoint#: 13 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.993Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_sonoff_1000c17c0f* ready endpoint#: 14 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.993Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_sonoff_1000c1863f* ready endpoint#: 15 type: OnOffLight (0x100) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.993Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_spare_bedroom_light* ready endpoint#: 16 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.994Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_sonoff_1000524960_123* ready endpoint#: 17 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.994Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_kitchen_lights* ready endpoint#: 18 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.994Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_stairs* ready endpoint#: 20 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.995Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_dining_room* ready endpoint#: 21 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.995Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_utility* ready endpoint#: 23 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.995Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_front_garden_lights* ready endpoint#: 24 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.996Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_master_bedroom* ready endpoint#: 25 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.996Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_ambers_bedroom_light* ready endpoint#: 3 type: ExtendedColorLight (0x10d) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓colorControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.997Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.switch_sonoff_10005045eb_1* ready endpoint#: 8 type: OnOffPlugInUnit (0x10a) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.998Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_summer_house_fairy_lights* ready endpoint#: 19 type: ExtendedColorLight (0x10d) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓colorControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.998Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_patio* ready endpoint#: 26 type: ExtendedColorLight (0x10d) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓colorControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:39.999Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Endpoint ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4.aggregator.light_living_room* ready endpoint#: 22 type: DimmableLight (0x101) behaviors: ✓identify ✓groups ✓onOff ✓levelControl ✓bridgedDeviceBasicInformation ✓homeAssistantEntity ✓descriptor
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:40.001Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Node ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4* going online
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:40.027Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Node ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4* is online
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:40.028Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / AccessControlServer ]: initializing ACL manager with ACL
[ 2024-12-20T18:55:40.056Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / Commissioning ]: *dbf403c9bf8e414a99e950c391794ee4* is uncommissioned passcode: 96258425 discriminator: 2379 manual pairing code: 21880958752
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[ 2024-12-20T18:55:40.063Z ] [ INFO ] [ WebApi ]: HTTP server (API & Web App) listening on port 64877
[ 2024-12-20T19:10:39.803Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / DeviceCommissioner ]: All announcements stopped
[ 2024-12-20T19:10:40.181Z ] [ INFO ] [ Matter / DeviceCommissioner ]: All announcements stopped
Intel x86 bare metal running HAOS 14.1, core 2424.12.5 and Home-Assistant-Matter-Hub 3.0.0-alpha.57 add on.
Any and all suggestions welcome…
OK, had another crack at this today and got both Alexa and Google Home working perfectly.
The solution was to attempt to pair with Alexa/Google right after restarting the add-on. I was also not in bluetooth range of either Alexa/Google Hubs or my HA system, so it looks like everyting works over the network without the use of bluetooth.
It appears that some time after starting up, the hubs configured in the add-on stop listening for new connections after a period of time.
Great to have full local integration to Alexa and Google Home without the cloud…, this is awesome