I am just fine with trooping through and setting the ones that seem a bit obscure to none and work up/down. I can do just about every combination in far less time than I wasted before posting Really excited. Thanks for the work on this.
Works perfectly. Still havent figured out what signals are angering the works so basically removed all the ones I really dont need to visualize or notify and poof
So nice. Thanks again. Hope this helps future folk as Im sure I wont be the last to have this issue.
I should add support for the region selection (US/EU) to the integration on HA. @jaaem after that, do you want to give a shot at getting the integration updated with washer/dryer and ready on HA?
It would be nice to have the current Whirlpool integration also work for washer/dryers.
I think you can start by testing out the current sport for washer/dryer in the library: https://github.com/abmantis/whirlpool-sixth-sense
You can check the README for some basic usage examples, but feel free to PM me if you have some question.
Basic stuff should be there already for washer/dryer, along with push updates from the cloud. If there is already everything you need on the library side, the next step is adding the platforms (sensors, switches, etc) to the Whirlpool integration. I would suggest starting with a sensor platform, and checking the current climate platform on the integration for some inspiration.
I just used https://github.com/mkmer/whirlpool_laundry and it worked great for my Maytag washer and dryer in the US. If I get some time I will make a pull request to make it HACS compatible. The confit flow is so smooth. Thanks!
@dancwilliams : Glad you found this work - it was started from jdeath version, upgraded to have config flow and automatically detect all SAIDs on your account (say “easy config”). It only works in the US.
I’m looking to add this support to abmantis version whirlpool integration where “hopefully” we will have a fully supported built-in solution for all washers/dryers/climate control devices connected to a users account.
I’ve read a few pages and threads but i can’t figure out how to install it. If it isn’t through HACS, what’s the install process? The readme is pretty empty.
For those of you wanting to know how to do this:
Create a folder within your custom components folder called “whirlpool_laundry” then create a new file for each file (except the readme) in this folder for every file at the github repo. I like clicking the “raw” option on each file in github then just hit ctrl-A to select all and ctrl-c to copy. Then Ctrl - v over on HA to paste the information over to the file you created. make sure the file names are the exact same and that you click save after each and every one. Also make sure you create a subfolder “translations” and do the same for the file contained in there. After that is done i did a reboot then go to integrations add integration search whirlpool add your credentials and presto your done.
And it created the folder and the files in one go. So, that was the good part. The bad part is that authentication isn’t working for me yet. I’m trying go figure out what’s wrong with it.
Mike, i’m assuming you’re the author of GitHub - mkmer/whirlpool_laundry. First off, thanks for building and setting this up. It works great and i’ve built it into a few house routines.
I do have a (minor) question, more for my learning than for anything else. In addition to the HA integration i also have the Maytag app installed on my phone. The maytag app always reports the status before HA - sometimes as much as 3-5 minutes. do you think there’s some kind of webhook or pub/sub model that’s being used for real-time push notifications?
you are correct - this version of the integration is polling at (or near) the rate limit allowed by whirlpool.
I have been working with abmatis to utilize the websocket and have a PR ready to go that uses the existing whirlpool integration adding washer/dryers.
I was hoping to get it in by next month, but there are not enough reviewers so it’s currently “stuck”.
Feel free to grab a copy of the PR and set it up as a custom_integration - you will need to add a “version” to the manifest for it to run as a custom.
If you find any issues - please comment on the PR so when it does get to review, we’re 100%
This topic is of interest to me and I would like to be able monitor my Maytag washer. Has anything changed with this since October or is it kind of hold due to insignificant feedback from reviewers? I’d also like to mention I tried pulling in the files and all with sudo command with Terminal from within HA, but I am getting sudo command not found. Many thanks.
sudo? what? Huh? Should not need any special tricks.
My version may work for you, not sure as I have not updated it in a long time. Just add it with hacs and follow the instructions in the readme https://github.com/jdeath/maytag_dryer_homeassistant
Admittedly not sure of correct way to add custom repository to a HACS. Can someone point out what I did or am doing wrong? Also is it called Whirlpool 6th sense? I see it in HA integration and not in HACS. Thanks.