Media_content_id ... stupid question

I think this is the only way to continue where you’ve left off. What you could try is, pick a link of the show ( not an episode) and try with that, maybe it would continue where you’ve stopped it being a specific show.

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Add this after link in the command

&& input keyevent 23

This should automatically press center after it opens the link

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So I can pull it up how I want with

>adb shell am start -n com.hulu.livingroomplus/.WKFactivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d ""

and can send the command for Center after. Not sure if you saw my edit, you replied while I was editing. Any ideas on how to avoid making an automation for each individual show and to get it to recognize that “series” page? If so, then I get full voice functionality back. I guess I could set a single command to press center by voice every time and just say two commands, but if I could keep it at one that would be awesome.

>adb shell am start -n com.hulu.livingroomplus/.WKFactivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "" && input keyevent 23

Try this

This is odd…

C:\Users\Prono\Downloads\platform-tools_r33.0.2-windows\platform-tools>>adb shell am start -n com.hulu.livingroomplus/.WKFactivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "" && input keyevent 23
'shell' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

U got 2 >> and in last example there was just one >

Meaning copy the code without any >

'input' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I can just use the CENTER command in the automation afterwards since im going to be in ha anyway.
Any ideas on how to make it expose when a url “series” is called? to semd back the data to HA for a trigger?

Have the automation watch the state of your chromecast or android tv integration, once it registered Hulu launched have it hit center

I considered that. The problem I forsee there is if I decide to use the remote… I’m very sporadic.

Also just notice that if ambient mode has gone active, then it won’t accept the command

Then start the command with center or back adb shell input keyevent CodeForBackOrCenter && TheRestOfYour commandStartingWithAm

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Sorry to Necro an old thread, I’ve switched from Chromecast back to FireTV and I was trying to make this work on the FireTV, I think I am doing something wrong with the ADB command. I’ve tried the same command and tried changing it to

service: androidtv.adb_command
  command: >-
    adb shell am start -n com.hulu.livingroomplus/.WKFactivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "" 
  entity_id: media_player.firetv_media_room

I’ve also tried doing just the part that launches hulu both ways as well. The adb shell am start -n

No matter what, it doesn’t launch Hulu. I know this is probably something simple, but I can’t even claim to have a Basic understanding of ADB.

Any help is appreciated.

Question similar to what is there, what would the url be for live tv to a specific channel and what is the
bc68ac79-3ace-4427-9ec0-5ee6f314d194 value?