Media Remote

First off I totally understand that HA is a home automation system and not a universal remote.
But I find that the only thing lacking for me to take total control of my home without switching apps is a media remote. Everything else is not a problem.

Sure media devices have their own remote layouts but they are very low on features. For instance I cant do any navigation with my Kodi remote. Only play pause volume etc. Would be damn cool to have up, down, enter etc.

The process to “design” your own remote is very cumbersome from what I can tell.

It would be extremely cool if there was a pre-designed remote template for media devices that auto assigns the basic features to a standard button layout. You really dont need too many buttons nowadays with devices having all control in the UI. All you need for most devices is mostly

Power On/ Off
Up/ Down/ Left/ Right
Play/ Pause/ Stop

and you would be able to operate 90% of all media devices like TVs, media players, projectors, etc.

I feel this would very hugely enhance the appeal and make life very simple.

Search the forums there are many examples of how to implement this using existing cards.


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