Same issue here. Unable to turn off lights when Plex starts playing somewhere.
I’m having the same issue and it started when I put the Plex sensor in.
Did anyone figure it out? Having the same issue/error when trying to make an automation with Plex
I had this issue after renaming some zigbee devices after they have been added to system. After Restart of zigbee2mqtt and mqtt service the issue was gione.
This happened to me when the Areas name start with the same name as the lights.
So if you name the Area “Living room”, and the lights named “Living room right” and “Living room left”, this error occurs. If you check Devices after naming them like this, you will see that they’re actually named just “right” and “left”, but are correctly named when you enter the device itself.
I guess it could be intended to omit the area name if it’s the same as the lights name, but when you make an automation it can’t find the device (I guess).
Renaming lights to just “right” and “left” fixes it, or just renaming them to something else that doesn’t start with the Area’s name.
Edit: Renaming the devices to something else, then back to their original name fixes it as well.
I guess something occurs when you rename Area and the lights when setting it up for the first time.
I tried to add my first automation, got this same error in 0.117.0
I’m having this issue too.
I thought I’d be clever and just delete all my areas but no joy.
Did anyone find a sollution for this issue?
Work arround for the moment is creating the automation in the gui switching to yaml copy and past it into automation.yaml file and done.
finding this and struggling as well. Have tried a few different states / devices for my Sony Bravia TV going into Plex. My Hue light script executes when I test but I cannot get past the malformed integration error in the editor.
There is no solution yet.
For the moment I just follow these steps as a work arround:
Go to the Gui and create your automation / script. When done click in the top right on the 3 dots and switch to yaml. Copy the code and past it in a notepad.
Hit the save button (important) and in the address bar a number will appear copy that and add it on top of your yaml wit the following line:
- id= ‘(number)’
When this is added use the file editor to paste it in the correct file. It could be that you need to format the code and save the file. Reload the config or scripts and you should now be able to edit the automation in the GUI
Strange thing is that some of the automation I make do save and others give an error. If you need help let me know.
I tried what you said but when I clock to save the yaml code I don’t get a number in my address bar. My address bar does change at all.
I had a similar issue setting up an automation.
The GUI looks like it doesn’t do much validation yet or at least it doesn’t provide useful validation feedback.
You need to ensure each part of the form is filled out as completely as possible.
The example by @DanielPT shows no trigger set in the trigger section. This means the code is invalid.
Make sure that all the required fields are set or the section is removed if not set when using the GUI.
You are correct all fields must be filled out or removed on the automation UI. I don’t recall this being necessary but I just experienced the same error while testing an automation. I just gave it a title and entered the action, tried to save it so I could press the execute button at the top to make sure the action performed as expected before filling in the trigger or condition sections. After reading this section, I entered the something in the trigger field and it saved and I was able to manually execute it.
It seems when you create an automation, it automatically adds an action at the bottom of the page, If you’re not using it, delete it, and it seems to then save without this error. I think if there is an unused action / condition device etc. it throws this error.
Thank you, for me this was the resolution.
Just starting to test with AH and was almost already done with this.
it was helpful for me
Thanks for the workarounds, guys. This bug is still alive …
I’m so happy to find your comment, I thought I was losing my mind! I did a new install under Umbrel this time and this is the only issue thus far. GUI shows script saves, but script isn’t shown in scripts dashboard. It is added to scripts.yaml though.
Thanks alot,
is this still a bug?
In my case, I was attempting to activate a smartlife scene as my “device” and there was no action for that. When I switched to accessing the device directly, and applying an action, I was able to save it.