MG / SAIC - Custom Integration

hello, first : great work!
But I have issues to turn on the heat or the defrosting : 2 sec after I put it On it goes off (the unlock features does not have the problem)

so i suppose it s better to wait your next version

Hi @gosselin.mat

Can you provide your logs? Better open an issue on Github (Issues ¡ ad-ha/mg-saic-ha ¡ GitHub) and I will have a look.

It might be something with your specific model, so it might be worth to check what’s happening.


Many thanks.
I have just restarted HA after a HACS installation that required it.
The MG/SAIC integration failed to start up again.
I went into the iSmart app and saved the secondary account (without changing anything) then reloaded this integration and it worked.
A bit odd and inconvenient but, at least I can get it running after a restart now.
Anything I can do to figure out why it’s happening?
Also, am I the only on experiencing this?
Be good to hear from anyone using a secondary account.

Never mind this, i was just being “Not very bright” :wink:

No worries. Glad you were able to sort it.

Hi everyone,

Just release a new 0.9.0 version with quite a few changes and improvements. More info here:

Buy Me A Coffee


All breaking changes are marked with :triangular_flag_on_post:


  • Fix Climate entity and mechanics for heating (fan only Mode) (closes #80)
  • Fix Mileage sensor unavailable on ICE vehicles (closes #91)
  • Fix Exterior Temperature causing integration to be unavailable (closes #79)
  • Fix Charging Idle showing as Charging Finished in Charging Status sensor (closes #77)
  • Fix issue with switches not being correctly populated by missing argument (closes #82)
  • Fix Multiple Vehicles and entries not generating Unique Ids (closes #92)


  • Removed AC Blowing Switch :triangular_flag_on_post:

  • Refactored Unique IDs for entities in: :triangular_flag_on_post:

    • Switch
    • Climate
    • Lock
    • Select
    • Button
    • Number

    :triangular_flag_on_post: This will cause you to now have old entities being replaced by new ones.
    :triangular_flag_on_post: You will have to manually remove the old entities and rename the new ones (if you would like so)

Dev’s Notes

Thank you all, once again, for your support and patience with the development of this integration.

I hope that this version is able to solve a lot of the issues reported and addresses some of the needs/improvements identified by all of you. I tried on this occasion to bring forward everything that was outstanding in issues and also make some improvements to the whole integration, which I hope translates into a easier usage for all of you.

If you have any issues or improvement suggestions, do not hesitate to provide your feedback here: ISSUES

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Thanks again for working on this integration. Finally made the “committed change” today and cleared up the old SAIC containers of my box and fully using this HACS integration now and its great.

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Thanks a lot. Glad it is working fine for you :+1:

Hi @VaReTaS very good work!
Thanks, and well done.

There doesn’t seem to be much discussion here about automations.
What I’m finding is that “Update Vehicle Data” works OK.
But both “Lock Vehicle” and “Unlock Vehicle” do not.
However if I request lock and unlock from the dashboard these operations work OK.
(I haven’t tried any others automation actions.)

The logs seem to confirm this.
This is with an MG4.

Hi @gwatuk

Thabks for the comments.

So, both Actions and Buttons use the same logic, so it should not be an issue.

However, I may have a look in case I missed something. However, before setting up switches and buttons I tried all Actions/Srvices and they were working fine.

If you have the logs those would be handy to try to spot any issue.



Just installed the latest update for HA and rebooted.

Now i get this :

Setup failed for custom integration ‘mg_saic’: Requirements for mg_saic not found: [‘saic-ismart-client-ng==0.6.0’].

Was working prior to reboot and did try another reboot but still comes up like this and now everything is “unavailable”


Check solution here: [ISSUE] Integration cannot be loaded because of unsatisfied dependencies ¡ Issue #104 ¡ ad-ha/mg-saic-ha ¡ GitHub


Thanks, that made it work again :slight_smile:

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Glad it helped. Cheers


Just updated to 2025.2.1 and the problem came back after HA restarted.

Ran the 4 commands in SSH again and restarted HA and it started working again.

Is it normal to have to do this every time i update HA ?


It should not. I already created a pull on the API to revise those dependencies that are causing the issue.

When that gets merged, the issue must be sorted.

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