Mi Flora battery life

I got 3 of these a week ago (second hand). They’ve been reporting 100% battery for 3 days and then suddenly one of them dropped to 67%. After restarting HA that one is showing 47% and one of the others suddenly dropped to 71%.

These are connected through BT so not using ESP32. I’m not sure if there is a way to upgrade the FW of these devices or reduce how often they are pulled, a part from using the median.

Love it.
Would mind take some closer pictures and link the parts?

Looking for a similar solution for my plant.

Hello @Matz88, do you have any pictures of the steps to properly upgrade those devices with power supply? It would help others to plug external supply. Thanks!

No but it was quite simple, I just driller a small hole in the bottom plastic case of the sensor for the wires and soldered them at the battery clamps accordingly to battery polarity. Other side is connected to a 3.3v adapter.

Thank @Matz88. I guess any power supply that provides 3.3V will work.

If I plan to buy this model: HHCC Vegtrug Upgrade Flora 4 in 1 Flower care Plant Soil Tester Light Temperature Tester Garden Soil Moisture Nutrient Monitor|Smart Remote Control| - AliExpress

It uses a CR2032 3V, but a 3.3V power supply should work I guess.

It will be for an indoor project, so a wall plugged power supply seems best for me. There are already too many batteries to monitor with a smart home, if I can have peace of mind for this project, that’s best!

Thanks for suggestion to wire this sensor, it’s very clever!

Yes pretty much any 3v3 regulator is fine, the consumption is very low.
About the voltage, the main chip is rated 2.35 to 3.3v, see projects:xiaomi-flora [Warszawski Hackerspace] 31

Since they seem to have a clue, I also want to run my sensors on electricity as the battery life is prohibitive. The batteries don’t last more than 12-48 hours, no idea why, I’ve had expensive, cheap attempts. It’s the same everywhere. Could my scene work with it? I would remove the AA batteries and solder the wire directly into the battery compartment. The use is outdoors with waterproof box on the terrace.

Kcibyvx 10in1 5AA+5AAA Battery Power Supply Adapter Replace AA AAA Battery Eliminator: AmazonSmile: Elektronik & Foto

Because 3V needed, i think i have to use 2 cables,on one item?

Or you have any idea how i can do that with Power Supply? I have 7 sensors, and the Socket Distance from Terrace 4 Meters. So i have to use an long cable.


You can but is a bit of an overkill, I just use a simple 3v3 converter from 220V and i worked all the flora to it.

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Out of curiosity, is this the only plant sensor available?

Any thoughts on/experiences with this kind of thing? Or similar?

If I understand correctly you hook up some solar panels and a 3.7V lipo (which it charges) and it delivers 3.3V.

Maybe you could run a few nearby Mi Flora off of it Obviously it would complicate the set-up and potentially introduce cables, but could be worth it for some set-ups.

AU $29.88 | Sunflower micro power high efficiency Solar Power Manager, 3.3V 90mA output with 2V 160mA Solar Panel for IoT Wireless Sensor

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@BrianAker shared some useful battery life tips and experience’s over here.

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Just stumbled upon the thread after exploring my mifloras battery life :man_facepalming:t2:
One thing which isn’t mentioned here, but which made a difference in my case: quality batteries.

I had one charge of cheap batteries, which lasted just weeks. Since then I am actively shopping “big brand” batteries, which last ~9-14 months.


So I just picked up flora sensors and the firmware I have isn’t broadcasting out battery life (alas) - but not the end of the world.

Shouldn’t it be possible, however, in esphome to use ble_client to directly connect to the device and pull down the battery reading maybe once a day?

Anybody tried this?

How long did you wait for the battery life transmission? It seems to only happen once every 24 hours here.

Yes. You can pull the battery information using ble_client from this component:


I am using it for all my Mi Flora devices to get battery and firmware information every 6 hours like this:

  - source: github://myhomeiot/esphome-components


  - mac_address: !secret ampel1_mac
    service_uuid: '1204'
    characteristic_uuid: '1A02'
    update_interval: 6h
          service: ble_monitor.parse_data
            packet: !lambda |-
              if (x.size() < 2)
                ESP_LOGE("myhomeiot_ble_client", "payload has wrong size (%d)", x.size());
                return "";
              ESP_LOGI("myhomeiot_ble_client", "Battery (%d%%), firmware (%s)", x[0], std::string(x.begin(), x.end()).substr(2).c_str());
              char buffer[70 + 1];
              const uint8_t *remote_bda = xthis.remote_bda();
              snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "043E2002010000%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X14020106030295FE0C1695FE41209800000A1001%02X00",
                remote_bda[5], remote_bda[4], remote_bda[3], remote_bda[2], remote_bda[1], remote_bda[0], x[0]);
              id(ampel1_firmware).publish_state(std::string(x.begin(), x.end()).substr(2).c_str());
              return std::string(buffer).c_str();

  - platform: template
    id: ampel1_battery
    name: Ampel1 Battery
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    device_class: "battery"
    state_class: "measurement"
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    update_interval: 1h
    icon: mdi:battery-bluetooth

  - platform: template
    id: ampel1_firmware
    name: Ampel1 Firmware
    update_interval: 1h
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
    icon: mdi:new-box

I’ve had it running for 2 days - are you saying with the most up to date firmware it should still gets sent out over BLE Passive?

Ah, I’m not using the latest firmware. Apologies.

It would work if i solder the battery clamps to the ground and 3v3 pins of an esp32 wouldnt it?

Quick update:
The original batteries in my two HHCC Flower Cares both died during the last 3 weeks. So they lasted for about 15 months in my setup with an ESPHome BLE bridge.

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I’ve recently added my first three MiFlora sensors.
I do have the same issue - battery state of charge dropped rapidly within the last couple days… the sensors have been installed a week ago - and now showing 49% SoC…

I’ve heard from others, that their sensors reporting 0% for nearly three months now… so I GUESS, the sensors just reporting their SoC wrongly.
I don’t know, if it is possible to report a bug for these devices - or if it’s possible to fix this within a Firmware update at all… but for anyone who wants to update the firmware, I recommend the “Flower Care App” … the current available firmware seems to be 3.3.6

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