Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 not workking

While using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 I can not login to HA. The icon appears but no login box. I works with Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Yeah, doesn’t work on Edge either. Not a big deal to most people though as IE is an inherently bad and unsafe browser.

same here. come on. make this work… work I can’t use other browser other than IE

It works on Edge perfectly.

IE11 is not a supported browser. It’s super old. Although I don’t test Edge, we don’t use anything that should break Edge.

You are never stuck with just IE, Chrome installs in user space and so you can use it without admin access :thumbsup:

Is there some workaround? I have an old Windows RT and i am thinking about putting this on the wall, but there is no other browser supported instead of IE 11 by Windows RT

You might want to look into HA Dashboard for your tablet instead.

There’s never going to be a Chrome or Firefox browser for RT and there’s no sideloading anything unless you want to find source and compile something for the ARM processor.

But HA Dash should work fine on IE 11. I’ve only tested it on Edge, but as the guy responsible for the skins and CSS I don’t remember adding anything that would break it.

And if it does, we’re in beta now so we can try and fix it if it does. :wink:

I tried HADashboard, but it seems like it doesn’t work on IE11. I can’t see any tiles under IE :confused:

Are you trying version 1 or the new version 2 beta? I would suggest the v2 beta as we can fix it if there is an issue.

Just so you are aware - IE11 is still the most popular browser of all versions (including Edge).

Trying to access from work and locked to IE11. Until businesses move to W10 they will likely get the same issue also.

Anyone ever get this working? Is there a trick?
Have HADashoard beta 3, and trying to use a surface tablet as awall panel, but icon clicking does not work. I can click the +/- on lights, but any lights on/off or scripts on/off etc do not work on IE 11.

Tried my old Surface RT yesterday with HADashboard and faced the same problem. +/- buttons works for light widget, but switches don’t work.

Opened an issue report for HADashboard: