'Midnight' Automation Only Sometimes Triggering

You could enable logging for some core stuff. E.g., in configuration.yaml you could add:

  default: info
    homeassistant.components.automation: debug
    homeassistant.core: debug
    homeassitatnt.helpers.event: debug
    homeassitatnt.helpers.script: debug

This will add a bunch of DEBUG messages to the log that might help shed some light. But honestly, to really “see” what’s happening, you might need to instrument the code some more.

FWIW, here is where the time trigger is implemented:

core/homeassistant/components/homeassistant/triggers/time.py at dev · home-assistant/core (github.com)

Basically, in your case, if the processing of sensor.sun_next_midnight changing state happens before the trigger processing, the previously set trigger “arming” will be removed and a new one (for the next midnight) will take its place, causing the previous one to be “missed.”

Based on the times you posted earlier from the database, there’s only about 8 milliseconds or so between when the trigger should fire and when the state of the sensor changes. I’m not saying it’s definitely happening, but I think it’s possible, especially if you’re running HA on a less powerful system, and you have it doing a lot, that the trigger callback is being delayed by other stuff, including the processing of the sensor’s state change, which will cause the trigger callback to be removed before it gets a chance to actually run.

Again, I doubt what you’re experiencing can be classified as a bug, although, of course, it might be. I really think that depending on a time trigger to fire at the time a sensor’s value indicates, when the sensor also changes at that same time, is not a robust design.

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Thank you very much. This is really helpful.

And yeah, I think that’s likely what’s happening… If I get a bit of time in the next few days I’ll do a little digging to see if I can prove it out. (Balanced with is-it-really-worth-it…)

In the mean time I’ll change the actual automation to something… else… and leave the debugging one for troubleshooting.

I really appreciate it.

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I wouldn’t say it’s more reliable, but I suppose it could be said, the way it works, is more useful in some situations. :smiley: Which, after all, was kind of why I wrote it in the first place.

I see what you’re saying, but isn’t it really the same thing? I.e., the main state, as well as the yesterday, today & tomorrow attributes, all change at the same time, around 00:00:00. Then your automation would immediately change the input_datetime helper. The only real difference is a bit more delay between 00:00:00 and when the trigger’s input changes (as opposed to using the sensor directly), right? Given your overall configuration and system performance, maybe that’s enough to make it work all the time. Or maybe the sensor you’re using (indirectly) sets a trigger time that’s nowhere near 00:00:00, and it wouldn’t matter if you used the sensor directly???

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I made a blueprint a while back that essentially just adds the ability to use and offset to a Time trigger based on an entity like your sensor. Maybe, triggering a couple minutes before the sensor rolls over will solve the issue.

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That’s kinda what I did. For now I’m simply using 7 hours before dawn for turning the lights off. The goal is a simple turn lights on and off at a not-exactly-specific time when we’re not home thing.

Initially ‘midnight’ sounded good because it’d vary, but since that’s not reliable… This should suffice.

I don’t want to get into any sort of occupancy simulation or anything that complicated, just some basic lights that are on when we aren’t home, which also get shut off at not-always-the-exact-same-time.

So, I think this’ll suffice.

(My HA setup heavily leans towards simple with as few additions to the base as possible.)


I have come here investigating something similar.

I have light I want to control using dusk/dawn and something in-between.

I wanted to create an event that fires one hour after solar midnight so I created a template

{{ (state_attr(‘sun.sun’, ‘next_midnight’) | as_datetime + timedelta(minutes=60)) <= now() }}

I use this pattern for others like Pre-Dusk.

But it doesn’t work. It never toggles the switch.

My hunch is that after an hour of solar midnight the value has updated and the time is never reached - similar to the problem here.

Give that I don’t need to be precise i did consider going to the other way and doing 23hrs before rather than 1 hr after so that when the value changes I can reach it


Thanks HNY-25!

next_midnight is future. How can it be (plus 60 minutes) <= now()?

How about using today_at("00:00:00")?

For obvious reasons this will never work. During day X, the trigger is set to go off at 01:00 on day X+1. But when midnight comes around and day rolls over to X+1, the goalpost immediately moves for the trigger to go off at 01:00 on day X+2.