Miele@home, miele@mobile component

Yes, other users and myself have seen same problem the last few days. The Miele API servers have been down or at least malfunctioning in periods. It looks like the integration does not always recover properly after such an outage and a restart is necessary to recover all functions… It is a bit difficult to debug but I will try to improve the recovery mechanism.

The 400 error just indicates that the API did not accept the command at that specific moment. There is currently no retry mechanism in that area of the code. I chose the same approach as the typical TV remote. If your TV doesn’t react to a key press, you just press the same button again. It is perhaps not so safe to retry starting an oven for many minutes until the API eventually recovers. But I am open to suggestions…

This is the message I get, 505 times and counting…!

Log Details (ERROR)

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.miele
Source: custom_components/miele/init.py:440
Integration: Miele@home (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 09:41:19 (505 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:28:09

Did not receive Miele devices

Hello all.
Here also problems with the api the last 2 days, after a home assistant restart.
From my inexperienced point of view it seems as if Miele has changed the URL.

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: helpers/network.py:207
First occurred: 14:00:23 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:00:23
Error during setup of component miele
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/setup.py”, line 235, in _async_setup_component
result = await task
File “/config/custom_components/miele/init.py”, line 124, in async_setup
network.get_url(hass, allow_external=True, prefer_external=True),
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/network.py”, line 168, in get_url
request_host = _get_request_host()
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/network.py”, line 207, in _get_request_host
raise NoURLAvailableError

No connection to Miele Devices

For my personal use (i use it to change the fan speed and lights of the cooking hood with the light switches), i think no retry is the best, you see it doesn’t work, and press again. Not ideal of course, but the alternative is probably that it will que up a lot of commands since i will try several times, and that doesn’t seem better.

I can’t seem to link my Miele@Home account. It says authorization failed but I am 100% sure I gave the correct e-mail and password for my Miele@Home account.

Anyone else had this problem?

Hi, I had the same problem and I can’t log into my mobile app. I wrote to helpdesk and they asked me to change my password to my account, because there are any new password policies. I do It and I logged into my mobile Miele app. I tried to add the Miele integration in home assistant, but authorization failed. I again wrote to helpdesk. Second problem was that I used the ‘+’ sign at the end of my password. The helpdesk recommended to me delete the ‘+’ sign at the end of the password (You can do this easily within the mobile app: Profile → Profile settings → Account information → Change password). I do It and now It works. I wrote to helpdesk again, that this fix helped me and they answered: " Thank you very much for your feedback. That APP and API behave differently when accepting passwords was unknown to us until now. We will fix this as soon as possible."

I can help here after 3 MONTHS emails with miele support…
make you aware you can make queries to your machine via api Miele 3rd party API - API documentation. To do so you will need access-
Get your personal developer credentials here: https://developer.miele.com. Submitted the form and was waiting and waiting… so just send them an email with what you need and hopefully, they will send you the credentials. (they also send me 3 times the wrong credentials… anyway). Use those credentials to authorize in HA yaml

With todays HA 2022.6.7 the Miele Custom component classic https://github.com/HomeAssistant-Mods/home-assistant-miele fails to load

2022-06-22 16:22:52 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Error during setup of component miele
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/setup.py", line 235, in _async_setup_component
result = await task
File "/config/custom_components/miele/__init__.py", line 153, in async_setup
hass.data[DOMAIN][DATA_DEVICES] = _to_dict(data_get_devices)
File "/config/custom_components/miele/__init__.py", line 109, in _to_dict
for item in items:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

So I guess I need to try the newer one https://github.com/astrandb/miele. Can anyone confirm that it works in 2022.6.7.

What is the migration path? I already have a set of working credentials from the old

The “new” integration works with HA 2206.6.7,
To migrate you should remove the “old” integration, restart HA and follow the instructions in the repo to install the new one. Same credentials will work so you can just leave the settings in configuration.yaml.


I did the migration. I can confirm that it works and it also has more features.

The migration is not 100% smooth and that is because as usual Home Assistant leaves behind garbage when you remove something.

When you remove the old Miele integration and restart Home Assistant BEFORE you even start adding the new integration to HA, all the old entities are left behind as Orphan devices.

The consequence of this is that all the new Miels device will be created with entity_id suffixed by _2

So the migration path is

  • Make a note of all the entities that belong to the old Miele integration
  • Remove the old Miele integration from Settings → Devices and Services → Integrations tab
  • Remove the old Miele custom component from HACS using the UI in HACS
  • Restart HA
  • Find all the old entities in the Developer Tools or the Settings Entities (not sure you can see them there)
  • Delete the old entities one by one
  • Go to HACS and add the https://github.com/astrandb/miele repo
  • Search for Miele and add the integration. Make sure to select the new astrandb one
  • Restart HA
  • Add the Miele Integration in Settings → Devices and Services → Integrations tab
  • When you are asked to login with the Miele account then it is the normal user name and password you use in the Miels app - not the developer credentials that you have in configuration.yaml
  • Done

EDIT: added the step to remove the old integration from HA before removing the component in HACS UI

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One of the things I miss in the documentation is the information you need to use the integration in Home Assistant.

I bet most of you have a Miele washing machine and the first automation you want to do is to do an announcement or flash some light when the machine has completed a wash cycle.

What makes it even harder is that you cannot see what the status values are of the different sensors until you run through a cycle. And when you have done that and look at the Logbook and use those values you will fail to get the automation to work because the front end developers of Home Assistant forget what we use this information for and they beautify the information by capitalizing the values and changing underscore to spaces. You can only see the true values in the developer tools and there you have no history.

I should also state that the astrandb integration does not use the same state values as the old integration so that is another migration step you have to figure out

Here is a working example of an automation that announced that the washing machine cycle is complete

- id: 'Washing_Machine_Finished'
  alias: 'Washing Machine Finished'
  initial_state: true
  mode: queued
  max: 2
  max_exceeded: silent
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.washing_machine_status
      from: 'running'
      to: 'program_ended'
    - service: script.alexa_tts_message
        message: 'Washing machine cycle complete'

Note that the real state values are “running” and “program_ended” and not Running and Program Ended as the Logbook shows in a misunderstood attempt to be user friendly.

EDIT 1. The automation above actually does not work. And I have not found out why yet. This shows even more how much it is needed to document how to use things. And in the case of this integration each experiment requires you run an entire washing cycle just to see that things still fail. It is horrible to work this way

EDIT 2. If I test with the removing the from value and only having to: ‘off’ then I can get my automation triggered. So either there is a sporatic value between running and program_ended or one of the two values are not the right ones in HAs state machines. The original problem is that the automation does not trigger. The action works fine. It takes forever to test because you have to run a 45 min washing cycle each time


Yes I hate that “improvement” that the HA team made to the developer entities…they actually made it harder now rather than easier. So a backwards step for modest of us.

I recommend that you remove the integration from Settings->Integrations (after taking the notes). HA should then remove the entities that are created by the old integration. Then you can proceed to remove the integration from HACS.

Åke thanks. I added the steps in my posting

Åke do you have an example automation for washing machine from your own installation that you know works? I have run out of dirty clothes for today. It is the triggers and the sensors names and values that I am interested in

The design philosophy of this integration has been to keep the internal logic as simple as possible. Just to expose the Miele API as entities in HA. It is a very difficult and never ending task to make the integration “better and more stable” than the underlying API.

There is a blueprint automation Miele log - Blueprint for Home Assistant · GitHub that can be used to log all state transitions for the miele sensors. That way you can follow what the API reports during a wash cycle.
A possible problem with your automation code is that there might never be a transition from “running” to “program_ended”. Try to remove from: running.
All supported states can be found here miele/const.py at main · astrandb/miele (github.com)

I understand if the clear text of states vs internal state names can be confusing. However, the clear text can be localized in UI according to each HA user’s perference while the internal name that is used for automations always stays the same.

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The critique on the naming is the UI in HA and not your integration. It is good we can see a friendly name in the various cards in the Lovelace UI. What many of us are upset about is that the tools you use to define scripts, automations etc hide the real value and replace them with the friendly values. My wife will never look at the endless lists in e.g. the logbook. The logbook should show the real values. Or both. It could list the friendly and put the real value in paranthesis.

For your integration, you should add a couple of commonly used examples like mine (if it works without the from). It is the only Miele device I have with network so I do not know what good example there are for other devices. There is nothing that beats a good example. And the normally used values for sensors should be documented as well. Maybe I’ll submit a PR when I have learned more myself


If only the HA developers can read and do this!

  • 1 also migrated over following the older integration failure with HA 2206.6.7, all good now, just a bit of retweaking in node red

Not sure what the problem is here, I’ve got a similar automation that works fine for my devices (washer-dryer and dishwasher). This is the one for the washer-dryer, the most complicated part is the translation of the various programs for the notification:

alias: Waschtrockner - Benachrichtigungen
description: Verschickt Benachrichtigungen, wenn der Waschtrockner ein Programm beendet.
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.waschtrockner_status
    to: program_ended
    from: running
condition: []
  - service: notify.everyone
      title: Waschtrockner
      message: >-
        {% set program_name =
        states("sensor.waschtrockner_program")) %}  Ihre Wäsche ist fertig. Das
        Programm »{{ program_name }}«  wurde um {{ now().strftime('%-H:%M') }}
        Uhr beendet.
    no_program: Kein Programm
    cottons: Baumwolle
    minimum_iron: Pflegeleicht
    delicates: Feinwäsche
    woollens: Wolle
    silks: Seide
    starch: Stärken
    rinse: Spülen
    drain_spin: Pumpen/Schleudern
    curtains: Gardinen
    shirts: Oberhemden
    denim: Jeans
    proofing: Imprägnieren
    sportswear: Sportwäsche
    automatic_plus: Automatic plus
    outerwear: Outdoor
    pillows: Kopfkissen
    cool_air: Lüften kalt
    warm_air: Lüften warm
    rinse_out_lint: Flusen ausspülen
    dark_garments: Dunkle Wäsche
    separate_rinse_starch: Nur Spülen/Stärken
    first_wash: Neue Textilien
    cottons_hygiene: Baumwolle Hygiene
    steam_care: Finish Dampf
    freshen_up: Auffrischen
    trainers: Sportschuhe
    clean_machine: Maschine reinigen
    down_duvets: Daunendecken
    express_20: Express 20
    down_filled_items: Daunen
    cottons_eco: Baumwolle ECO
    quick_power_wash: QuickPowerWash
    eco_40_60: ECO 40-60
mode: queued
max: 10
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This is not working. When adding the integration, HA asks me to make a connection with Miele. Which I do, and after that it errors. It gives a blank error notice with only a Oke option. And nothing works afterwards. This was already happening to me with the old one. Any idea how to fix it? Cant find any logs of it.