Migrated to HA OS this weekend - help with LAN access?

Nothing strange at all. The original post seemed to be all about accessing HA from a mobile device.

Mobile devices are exceptionally strict about dns names matching the certificate. An IP address will never be listed on a cert, not even as a SAN. Attempting to access HA internally by ip will generate a certificate error, which will cause a mobile device to refuse to connect to it.

As for a browser on a pc, if he only used http:// instead of https:// in the browser url (you kept only giving an IP and port, never specifying a protocol), this would also fail. Ha cannot respond to both http and https simultaneously. If you configure a certificate, you can no longer access it via http. The most likely course of events is that he accessed the system via http during initial config, and then configured a certificate. Then, subsequent connection attempts were likely made using the browserā€™s autocomplete function from the browser history, which would have been http since thatā€™s how previous connections were made.

I can access my router using either a host name or a local IP address using a mobile device or my desktop browser. It warns me itā€™s a questionable certificate (itā€™s self-signed), but it allows me to connect using https over the LAN if I explicitly allow it. Would a trusted certificate behave any differently?

But you arenā€™t using the companion app.

Ugh. Iā€™m not thinking clearly.


And today, even that is not working. :frowning:

Well, not on Firefox, anyway. Even after clearing cache.
But Chrome works - - go figure.

Any other Firefox users using HA OS 10.1 on x86_64 hardware having LAN access issues?

Mine is working, although occasionally the mouse wheel stops scrolling until I refresh the page. Iā€™ve never had the issue until recently. FWIW, all add-ons and the Firefox Enhanced Tracking Protection (Shield symbol in the URL box) are disabled. I should add, no issues with LAN access.

Last night, after an HA update, Firefox connections are working again. (go figure!)

Home Assistant 2023.5.4
Supervisor 2023.04.1
Operating System 10.1
Frontend 20230503.3 - latest

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Donā€™t worry, youā€™ll find something else broken soon.

Iā€™m married. It comes with the territory. :grinning: