Migrated to windows now have connection issues

Hi all,

after having HA running on a PI3 about a couple of years with no major issues I decided it was time to upgrade. A PI4 or an Odroid would be more than enough power for my small system but as I had a fairly decent spec PC that I wasn’t using it seemed like a good option to use that.

So after installing virtualbox and the HA operating system then getting around the EFI boot issues I finally got the system up and running. I imported a snapshot, installled it and all looked good but unfortunately it isn’t.

The two main issues are I can only access HA on the machine it is running on and not from other machines on my network. I have tried using the ip my router gave HA and all so changing the ipv4 info to my original HA ip address either way I can only access it locally. I wasn’t to concerned about having a new IP as it would only mean having to reconfigure a few Tasmota devices, this leads me on to issues two.

I cannot get my MQTT controlled devices to connect at all, again weather I use the original IP or reconfigure the devices to the new IP. I cant see them trying to connect in Mosquito but the just keep disconnecting giving a socket error message.

I can see HA in my router it displays whichever IP I set it at and I can control all my esphome devices without issue so I must be connected to the network thus I can’t understand why I cant access it from another machine or why my MQTT devices won’t connect.

Any input on this would be greatly appreciated as after seeing the speed it runs at on the PC I don’t want to go back to the PI and also that is now earmarked for octoprint for my Ender3.

Thanks in advance

Looks like a windows firewall issue. Disable it temporary to see if this solves the problem.

What network mode did you use?
Bridged or host-only??

Sounds like you used ‘host-only’, as it is only accessible from host🤔
But you need ‘Bridged’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Why why why would you run windows on a spare computer you are not using for anything else?

  1. Install debian 10

  2. do a supervised install

  3. profit

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Or install the Generic x86-64 image if you want to keep it simple.

Is that a thing now or are we waiting for HAOS 6?

HAOS 6 was released this weekend. Docs are live. https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/

You’re getting slow @nickrout :yum:

I don’t use the OS, but I have a spare NUC which is lingering on a 0.111 docker install on ubuntu. I may try HAOS on it. Shits and giggles y’know.

I run HA on HyperV on W10 at home.

Main reason is that I program and develop on W10 everyday professionally and therefore have little Linux experience…

I could switch to Linux privately, but never found the time to do so…windows works for me, so i use HAos, just to keep it simple :smiley:

I have tried that but unfortunately still no joy.

I have it set to bridged adapter.

Why would I not? I’m not by any means an authority on this, so if you could explain what the issue is I would appreciate it. Are you suggesting that I run debian 10 and not virtualbox in windows on the pc? If this is the better option then I will go that route. I had not heard of debian until a few days ago but am always looking to learn.

cant this be installed on my dell in the same way as the instructions for the NUC. I’m all for learning new stuff but I have no issue with ‘keeping it simple’

Something else I have found I can’t access HA via the ip address even on the host machine only by using ‘local’

My end goal is to have a reliable system with more power than I will ever need, thus I don’t need to worry about upgrading the hardware for the foreseeable.

Are you trying to access HA using the ip address of the VM instead of the host? The VM has its own ip address.


I am using the IP of the VM I have checked this is the IP shown as Home Assistant in my router and the IP shown in supervisor in Home Assistant

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Can you ping the HA ip address from your external host?

yes and it returns


which means nothing to me but hopefully to you it will

That screenshot tells me that machine can contact the Home Assistant VM over your network and get an answer back from the VM.

Are you trying to browse to ?

I sure am.

And that same URL works from a browser on the host machine?

Sorry for the many questions. I realize not everyone is familiar with the technical details of IT “magic”. :wink:

Ask a many questions as you like, you are helping me.

No searching the url doesn’t work even on the host machine I have to search homeassistant.local:8123

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OK I think we are getting closer then. I am not too familiar with how homeassistant.local gets converted to a network ip address.

Does that same ping command work on the host? What is the output of ipconfig on the host?