Migrating existing NUT UPS monitors to Home Assistant

Hi there. I’m running into some difficulty with understanding what needs to happen in order to migrate existing NUT clients off of their existing monitoring server and into HA, and could use some assistance with the process.

First things first: HA is 0.108.2; remote UPS monitors are RasPi Zero Ws running NUT under Raspbian Stretch. The configuration on the RasPis has been in place for roughly 3 years and works reliably.

What I would like to happen is that these NUT clients either report their status in to HA or are polled for it. My understanding of how NUT works in HA seems to be hampering this, though.

So far, a NUT integration has been created in HA. It’s pointed at one of the NUT clients, from which it will successfully get whatever status info it has been configured to get. However, I’m not sure how to add in the other NUT clients - I can’t add another NUT integration since one already exists, and trying to use the alias field as suggested in the documentation hasn’t worked out.

Additionally, no UPS is directly attached to the VMWare ESXi box that HA runs on, so it’s not clear as to what should happen with the device configuration for NUT in HA. Config currently appears as follows:

  - username: redacted
    password: redacted
      - all
      - set
  - name: myups
    driver: usbhid-ups
    port: auto
    config: []
mode: netserver
shutdown_host: 'false'

TIA for any assistance - the UPSes are actually a pretty big part of why we’re migrating from Domoticz to HA, and I’m really looking forward to getting this part of things up and running.

It may be that with the move to an integration it doesn’t currently support multiple NUT devices. Something similar happened with the PiHole integration. I’d suggest opening an issue on GitHub.

Got it, and thanks. I’ll head over there and see what I can find out.

As it turned out, no Github issue was necessary (yet). It looks as though I’ve got it mostly figured out; will write up the process later on.

OK, the writeup of how I got this working is now over in the Share Your Projects forum. Thread is here.

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