Migrating from RPI3 to New Computer


I am currently running my HA on a RPI using an SSD. The current install is running in docker. The installation includes:

  1. Home Assistant docker
  2. Node Red
  3. Mosquito MQTT broker
  4. ozwd.

Everything is working fine. All my configuration is done using yaml in a split configuration. I have not upgraded my home assistant in a while because I had plans to migrate to a better computer. I am planning on running the new installation in a similar fashion because it gives me the flexibility to run other docker container at the same time.

I have a few question regarding the best way to migrate to the latest home assistant, node-red, mosquito, zwavejs2mqtt, ESPhome…

  1. I know that a lot of the integrations can be added in the GUI these days without the need to edit or create yaml files. I have no problem with that. Can I still use the secrets file parameters in configuring integration or do I have to enter the parameters (ips, passwords) in plain text in the configuration. When I do that, are the parameters saved in plain text in the HA .config directory
  2. Can I have a hybrid configuration, where all the integrations are done in the GUI whenever it is possible, but use the current configuration for the entities
  3. Currently almost all my zwave devices are controlled using the Vera integration which exposes those devices to HA. Eventually I plan to decommission the Vera and migrate all the devices to Zwavejs2mqtt. This is for later.

Any help would be appreciated

Although you’ve not mentioned the destination platform, the process is basically full backup, install new, restore backup, change IPv4 addresses. All config should be carried across in the HASS backup, assuming NodeRed is installed as a HASS add-on, and not manually in a self-managed VM.

I have no idea what ozwd is so can’t help there.

The process is similar to that of migrating to a Yellow, with my experiences posted here:

The biggest issue you will have is that of versions - unless you can locate the install files for the existing versions you are running. I’d suggest upgrading where you can BEFORE switching hardware so the change is phased and there’s less to break at once.

If this helps, :heart: this post!

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Thanks for you reply. The destination platform is a Ubuntu server 22.04 with docker and docker-compose. Ozwd is the open Zwave docker that was before zwavejs2mqtt.