Migrating from Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus (ZHA)(SoC CC2652P) to SkyConnect, unable to re-use old dongle as router

That is fine, I only meant that you should not use Zigbee AND Thread on the same single radio adapter dongle. The problem is with multi-PAN (several Private Area Networks concurrently) on a single radio adapter. That is, do not use Zigbee AND Thread simultaneously on a single SkyConnect.

The multi-PAN/multiprotocol feature has only ever been experimental on the EFR32MG21 based SkyConnect and now the new/latest recommendation is to not use it any longer and instead migrate to having one dedicated radio adapter/dongle for Zigbee (running Zigbee NCP firmware) in combination with a separate dedicated radio adapter/dongle for Thread (running OpenThread RCP firmware).

our current recommendation for Home Assistant Yellow and Home Assistant SkyConnect is to use the Zigbee firmware to power your Zigbee network. This is a stable solution that has worked reliably since the introduction of these products and offers a great experience.” → The State of Matter - Home Assistant

This is what most people here in the community have always recommended anyway, but now it is a formal recommendation coming from Nabu Casa, and the Home Assistant developers that have declared that multi-PAN is not working well if you have more than a few devices so they have decided to not actively continue the development pursuit of stable multi-PAN/multiprotocol support. So the feature will not be removed, but it will no longer be actively developed and no longer recommend.

Also note that using the SkyConnect adapter/dongle (or Home Assistant Yellow) as a Thread radio is still under development at this point, is still listed as experimental, and is only recommended for the more technically experienced users. If you want to use Thread for Matter today then the recommendation is currently instead for iOS users to use a HomePod Mini or other Apple border router, placed near their Thread devices to get the required Thread coverage, similar Google Home can use Google Nest Hub or Google Nest Hub as Thread Border Routers, (alternatively, you can stay with only using WiFi-based Matter devices).

All this was also clearly stated in the recent videos from Home Assistant about Matter and Thread → https://www.youtube.com/@home_assistant/videos

Hence, using multi-PAN (multi-protocol) should be considered deprecated.

Thank you for the insightful info. I’ve just successfully connected my first matter device after switching my phone to my 2.4 GHz wi-fi, toggling my phone’s BT off/on and putting the device into pairing mode…

:man_dancing: :+1: :+1: :champagne: :clinking_glasses: