Milight bulb on ESP8266 help needed with integration

Yes I can control it perfectly.

One more thing: since you named both lights (the autoconfigured one and the manual light) as “testlamp”, can you check the Developer menu for all lights case they got renamed?

I don’t understand what you mean by that. Could you please explain me?

In the filter field look for light

Yes I can see this light there :

But when I toggle this button to on then within few seconds the toggle is going back to off.

Sorry, but at this time I can only advice naming your manual light to something different from what you have at the moment. Unless you made changes that you did not posted, check the following and name it to something very different:

name: "testlamp"

Then check again that you did not entered any illegal characters.

You said manually and automatically. Does it helps if I delete the automatic one?
So I delete in configuration yaml:
discovery: true
discovery_prefix: homeassistent

And in the espMH
‘homeassistent’ at discovery_prefix

This might affect your other integrations, so use it wisely.

This one is ok to remove from ESPMH.

Just try to check everything in ESPMH matches HA.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don’t have to specify any udp ports because I thought that this was necessary if I use esp8266 with mqtt.

Correct, if you use MQTT integration there’s no need for UDP

I don’t have any integrations yet. Although not mqtt ones

Thank you very much for your time!!
I will check tomorrow some settings.
Glad that the upd part isn’t necessary.

@Petrica New update:
I can see in MQTT Explorer that there are messages sent over. But the bulb doesn’t react on them.
So in my opinion is HA good (I have struggled a lot to get mqtt working) But maybe on the espMH site there has to be some issue.

Who can help me with that?

Thanks for the support. It works fine! Now I’am able to see changes

Hello @Bastiaan1977
Also post the MQTT log from HA (basically the HA setting is wrong, since you can control the lights from Milight interface and this should match HA).

Hello @Petrica,
Finally it works! My lights.yaml:

- platform: mqtt
  schema: json
  name: "testlamp"
  state_topic: "milight/state/0x21A/rgb_cct/1"
  command_topic: "milight/command/0x21A/rgb_cct/1"
  rgb: true
  brightness: true
  qos: 1
  optimistic: false
  retain: true
  #-- Bulb configuration
  color_temp: true
  # HA missing scale temp feature. On todo list...
  #color_temp_min: 0 
  #color_temp_max: 100
  # Milight hub command is "saturation", so white_value doesn't take effect. On todo list...
  #white_value: true 
  effect: true
  #Effect list 0=Full, 1=White, 2=RGB, 3=Full hard, 4=Disco, 5=Red Flash, 6=Green Flash, 7=Blue Flash, 8=White Flash]
  effect_list: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6, 7, 8]  
  #effect_speed: true # Milight hub support it. HA missing feature. 
  #-- Milight bulb doesn't support it :(. Need workaround to be done via software on HA or Milight hub
  #transition: true

I am so happy that it works, puzzling for days and not solving it … But with your help I got it out. thanks again. on to the next project.


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After so many fails I gopt it partially working, but what wonders me is I see the youtube examples and I see with the milight hub that when chris or whoever :slight_smile: presses the buttons on the remote, the values change in HA too.
Now is my question how is that done for i get a nice auto MQTT discovery, all manuals faild, but it does not give me the option of remote HA feedback.???

Hi JayJay,

I don’t understand your question.

Hi Bastiaan, I guess topic closed I got it running with the Milight hub on an esp8266.

I went through this process just now and for those that do not necessarily want Mosquitto but just the limitlessled integration, mine work perfectly as follows:

  1. You have built out the board and have it all working as expected
  2. I would note I prefer fixed IP addresses so I setup my system with a fixed IP address
  3. Since I am replacing my MiBoxer hubs with this, I left them in place and used the “Start Stiffing” in the web app and changed some lights to get the Device ID
  4. WIth that device ID, I went to the web GUI for the board and picked an unused UDP port and used the Device ID as follows:


  1. Then in my YAML for LimitlessLED lights I have this:
    - host:
      port: 29001
      - number: 4
        name: Pergola LEDs New
        type: rgbww

Of course the port is the UDP port and the IP is the fixed IP address of the built-out board. IN this case that are RGB+CCT lights which is RGBWW in LimitlessLED.

  1. Reboot and light.pergola_leds_new appears and can be controlled.

Works perfect for my use case. I am now adding the other 7 groups into this one controller and pulling the MiBoxer Hubs as they are no longer needed once this is finished. Perfectly times because I plan on expanding to another 7 or 8 groups and did not want to but extra hubs just to do it.

Although a comment above says MQTT is far superior, I would like to understand in what way this is the case.

Also, if anyone has a good link to inexpensive case to house the NodeMCU + NRF24L01+ Antenna let me know what you used.

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